Lin Sheng Poem: Written in the New Capital – 林升《题临安邸》








[1] 林升:南宋诗人。《千家诗》注说:“山外有山,楼外有楼,言青山之多,楼台之密也。湖中游客,终朝歌舞,几时休息乎?天暖时和,风光艳丽,游赏者沉溺宴安而不知返,如昏醉然,想将杭州之佳丽,认为汴州之繁华矣。杭州,南宋所居;汴州,北宋之地,为金所有。言南宋君臣,只图偷安宴乐于西湖,弃汴京故地而不问,置祖宗大仇而不报,可胜惜哉!”这是温和的讽喻诗。

[2] 休:停止。

[3] 杭州:南宋首都临安。

[4] 汴州:北宋首都汴京,今河南开封。

Written in the New Capital

Lin Sheng

Blue hills beyond blue hills and towers beyond towers,

When will West Lake end its singing and dancing hours?

The revelers are drunk with vernal breeze and leisure;

They’d take the new capital for the old with pleasure.


This poem is a seven stanzas composed by Lin Sheng, a poet of the Song Dynasty. The first line of the poem points out the overlapping green hills and buildings in Lin’an City, while the second line uses a rhetorical tone to point out the endless singing and dancing by the West Lake. In the second two sentences, the author writes in ironic language that the people in power are indulging in sex, and through the contrast between “Hangzhou” and “Bianzhou”, he exposes the corrupt nature of the “tourists” without revealing any words, and thus It also shows the author’s anger against the rulers who do not think about recovering the lost land and his concern about the fate of the country. The poem is cleverly conceived and well worded, with cold words of irony, but written from the lively scene; it is extremely indignant, but without invective: it is indeed a masterpiece of satirical poetry.
