


[noun] a sign or warning that something, typically something bad, will happen
[名词] 某事(通常指坏事)将要发生的迹象或警告


对于坚持打卡小站的老铁来说,可能第一眼看到 presage 这个单词,很容易联想起小站一年多前推送过的与之形似的 prestige 来。但仔细一看,又不难发现该词可以拆分为前缀 pre- (预先)和小站两个多月前推送的 sage 来联想记忆。

虽然 presage 与 sage 同词根 sag (知道),但实际上 presage 源自拉丁语 praesagire (预感、预兆),由前缀 pre- (预先)+词根 sag (知道)+ e 构成,14世纪末进入英语后先是用来作名词表示“预感、预知”或“预示、预兆”,尤指引起恐惧、绝望等情绪的“不祥之兆”,比如:

  • 她夜不能眠,总觉得有大难临头。极大的压力使她处于精神崩溃的边缘。
    She could not sleep at night and was haunted by a presage of disaster. Extreme stress had driven her to the brink of a nervous breakdown.

等到了16世纪中后期, presage 又开始用作动词表示“预感、预知”或“预示、预兆”,相应也是多指将要发生不祥或不好之事,但也可以用来表示中性或有利的预示,比如:

  • 从烟的异味中,他只能感到危险和灾难降临。
    From the peculiar smell of the smoke he was only able to presage danger and disaster.
  • 他的话意味着态度的转变。这一变化可能预示要发生严重的问题。
    His words imported a change of attitude. The change could presage serious problems.


In the hospitals during the war she had seen too many faces wearing this pinched look not to know what it inevitably presaged.

出自美国作家玛格丽特·米切尔(Margaret Mitchell)创作的长篇小说《飘》(Gone with the Wind)。该小说在1937年获得普利策奖,是玛格丽特·米切尔在世时出版的唯一一部作品。不但它成为美国史上最为畅销的小说之一,而且由这部小说所改编的同名电影《乱世佳人》也成为影史上不朽的经典。


  • A fibre-optic mat installed in a nursing home or an old person’s own residence could monitor changes in an individual’s gait that presage certain illnesses.
  • For Mexico, it seemed to presage a new era of confrontation with its northern neighbor.


  1. Dark presage: 黑暗预兆
  2. Ominous presage: 不祥的预兆
  3. Gloomy presage: 阴郁的预兆
  4. Sinister presage: 邪恶的预兆
  5. Foreboding presage: 预感的预兆
  6. Eerie presage: 怪异的预兆
  7. Dire presage: 可怕的预兆
  8. Unsettling presage: 令人不安的预兆
  9. Uncanny presage: 神秘的预兆
  10. Portentous presage: 凶兆的预兆
  11. Fateful presage: 命中注定的预兆
  12. Prophetic presage: 预言的预兆
  13. Grim presage: 恐怖的预兆
  14. Harbinger of presage: 预兆的先兆
  15. Apocalyptic presage: 天启的预兆
  16. Disquieting presage: 令人不安的预兆
  17. Menacing presage: 威胁的预兆
  18. Auspicious presage: 吉兆的预兆
  19. Foretelling presage: 预示的预兆
  20. Prognostic presage: 预示性的预兆
  21. Symbolic presage: 象征性的预兆
  22. Premonitory presage: 预警的预兆
  23. Catastrophic presage: 灾难性的预兆
  24. Mystical presage: 神秘的预兆
  25. Allegorical presage: 寓言的预兆
  26. Divinatory presage: 占卜的预兆
  27. Harrowing presage: 痛苦的预兆
  28. Momentous presage: 重大的预兆
  29. Pivotal presage: 关键的预兆
  30. Uncertain presage: 不确定的预兆
  31. Illuminating presage: 启示性的预兆
  32. presage of doom: 厄运的预兆
  33. presage of success: 成功的预兆
  34. presage of change: 变革的预兆
  35. presage of hope: 希望的预兆
  36. presage of victory: 胜利的预兆
  37. presage of happiness: 幸福的预兆
  38. presage of prosperity: 繁荣的预兆
  39. presage of love: 爱情的预兆
  40. presage of transformation: 转变的预兆
  41. presage of enlightenment: 启蒙的预兆
  42. presage of rebirth: 重生的预兆
  43. presage of harmony: 和谐的预兆
  44. presage of achievement: 成就的预兆
  45. presage of wisdom: 智慧的预兆
  46. presage of revelation: 揭示的预兆
  47. presage of discovery: 发现的预兆
  48. presage of renewal: 更新的预兆
  49. presage of serenity: 宁静的预兆
  50. presage of unity: 统一的预兆


presage (pres AGE) This verb refers to a forewarning, an ominous feeling, a prediction.

•The stormy early quarrel between Hortense, the Duchess, and Arcite, the Duke, over the combining of their coats of arms presaged their later years of estrangement.

Presaging Clem’s difficulties with calculus was the fact of overreliance on his tutor during the Algebra II course.
——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》

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portend: be a sign or warning that (something, especially something momentous or calamitous) is likely to happen
augur: (of an event or circumstance) portend a good or bad outcome
foreshadow: be a warning or indication of (a future event)

一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
