

  1. prurient interest: 好色的兴趣
  2. prurient thoughts: 好色的想法
  3. prurient desires: 好色的欲望
  4. prurient behavior: 好色的行为
  5. prurient content: 好色的内容
  6. prurient literature: 好色的文学作品
  7. prurient curiosity: 好色的好奇心
  8. prurient imagination: 好色的想象力
  9. prurient jokes: 好色的笑话
  10. prurient fantasies: 好色的幻想
  11. prurient innuendos: 好色的暗示
  12. prurient magazine: 好色的杂志
  13. prurient obsession: 好色的困扰
  14. prurient fascination: 好色的迷恋
  15. prurient gaze: 好色的目光
  16. prurient conversation: 好色的对话
  17. prurient undertones: 好色的含义
  18. prurient interests: 好色的兴趣
  19. prurient sexuality: 好色的性取向
  20. prurient movie scenes: 好色的电影场景
  21. prurient novels: 好色的小说
  22. prurient intentions: 好色的意图
  23. prurient humor: 好色的幽默
  24. prurient advances: 好色的进展
  25. prurient behavior: 好色的行为
  26. prurient thoughts: 好色的想法
  27. prurient cravings: 好色的渴望
  28. prurient innuendos: 好色的暗示
  29. prurient advertisements: 好色的广告
  30. prurient suggestions: 好色的建议
  31. prurient publications: 好色的出版物
  32. prurient whispers: 好色的窃窃私语
  33. prurient dreams: 好色的梦境
  34. prurient behavior: 好色的行为
  35. prurient glances: 好色的眼神
  36. prurient obsessions: 好色的困扰
  37. prurient desires: 好色的欲望
  38. prurient secrets: 好色的秘密
  39. prurient literature: 好色的文学
  40. prurient topics: 好色的话题
  41. prurient fantasies: 好色的幻想
  42. prurient novels: 好色的小说
  43. prurient behavior: 好色的行为
  44. prurient interests: 好色的兴趣
  45. prurient content: 好色的内容
  46. prurient images: 好色的图像
  47. prurient thoughts: 好色的想法
  48. prurient desires: 好色的欲望
  49. prurient fascination: 好色的迷恋
  50. prurient curiosity: 好色的好奇心



prurient (PRUR ee unt) This adjective may describe an inappropriate variety of interest in sexual matters, such as overt curiosity about other people’s private lives. Appropriately, it derives from the Latin word meaning “to itch.”

In an earlier era some communities forbade the circulation of literature that caused “prurient interest,” but lawyers had difficulty finding common ground on the exact definition of “prurient.”

In Shakespeare’s Hamlet, the character Polonius has a prurient interest in what his son Laertes is up to in Paris, even hiring a spy to check things out.
——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》

[toggle title=机器翻译,仅供参考]
瘙痒(PRUR ee unt)这个形容词可能描述了对性事务的不适当的兴趣,例如对他人私生活的公开好奇。恰当地,它源自拉丁语单词“痒”

一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
