
英 [kwɪn'tes(ə)ns]美 [kwɪn'tɛsns]


n. 精华;典范;第五元素(被视为地、水、火、风以外之构成宇宙的元素)



quintessence 第五要素,精华,精髓
quint-,五,essence,精华,实质。一种古代的物质观,世界由水,火,气,土四种基本要素组 成,而第五要素则是将这四种要素有机组合的最重要因素,但是与这四种要素不同的是,第 五要素是无形的。参照电影《第五要素》。


  1. the quintessence of beauty: 美的精髓
  2. the quintessence of wisdom: 智慧的精髓
  3. the quintessence of elegance: 优雅的精髓
  4. the quintessence of style: 风格的精髓
  5. the quintessence of craftsmanship: 工艺的精髓
  6. the quintessence of literature: 文学的精髓
  7. the quintessence of art: 艺术的精髓
  8. the quintessence of music: 音乐的精髓
  9. the quintessence of culture: 文化的精髓
  10. the quintessence of tradition: 传统的精髓
  11. the quintessence of innovation: 创新的精髓
  12. the quintessence of leadership: 领导的精髓
  13. the quintessence of success: 成功的精髓
  14. the quintessence of happiness: 幸福的精髓
  15. the quintessence of love: 爱的精髓
  16. the quintessence of friendship: 友谊的精髓
  17. the quintessence of science: 科学的精髓
  18. the quintessence of technology: 技术的精髓
  19. the quintessence of education: 教育的精髓
  20. the quintessence of spirituality: 灵性的精髓
  21. the quintessence of peace: 和平的精髓
  22. the quintessence of justice: 正义的精髓
  23. the quintessence of integrity: 正直的精髓
  24. the quintessence of courage: 勇气的精髓
  25. the quintessence of resilience: 恢复力的精髓
  26. the quintessence of forgiveness: 宽容的精髓
  27. the quintessence of authenticity: 真实的精髓
  28. the quintessence of determination: 决心的精髓
  29. the quintessence of perseverance: 毅力的精髓
  30. the quintessence of humility: 谦逊的精髓
  31. the quintessence of gratitude: 感恩的精髓
  32. the quintessence of compassion: 同情的精髓
  33. the quintessence of empathy: 移情的精髓
  34. the quintessence of generosity: 慷慨的精髓
  35. the quintessence of honesty: 诚实的精髓
  36. the quintessence of kindness: 善良的精髓
  37. the quintessence of patience: 耐心的精髓
  38. the quintessence of understanding: 理解的精髓
  39. the quintessence of virtue: 美德的精髓
  40. the quintessence of faith: 信仰的精髓
  41. the quintessence of hope: 希望的精髓
  42. the quintessence of joy: 快乐的精髓
  43. the quintessence of adventure: 冒险的精髓
  44. the quintessence of exploration: 探索的精髓
  45. the quintessence of innovation: 创新的精髓
  46. the quintessence of collaboration: 合作的精髓
  47. the quintessence of teamwork: 团队合作的精髓
  48. the quintessence of communication: 沟通的精髓
  49. the quintessence of resilience: 恢复力的精髓
  50. the quintessence of adaptability: 适应能力的精髓



古代希腊哲学家认为世间除了常见的水、火、土、气等四种物质外,还存在第五种物质。这种物质是万物之精华,构成了天体,并弥漫在所有其他物质中。亚里斯多德将这种物质命名为“以太”( ether )。

拉丁语将这种物质称为 quinta essentia (第五物质)。该词经由法语进入英语后,拼写改为 quintessence 。中世纪的炼金术士致力于提炼这种物质,认为它能治百病,并且具有长生不老的功效。现在,该词一般用来比喻“精华、精髓、典范”。

  • quintessence:[kwɪn’tes(ə)ns] n. 精华,精髓,典范,第五物质


quintessence (kwen TESS enss) This noun refers to something that is not at any extreme except the extreme of being purely or perfectly itself. The origin of the word had the literal meaning of having been purified five (“quint-”) times.

•In his melancholy, Hamlet described mankind as being the “quintessence of dust.”

•Andrea and Catherine are good examples of the quintessential student— one who is always curious, always looking to add knowledge onto what he or she already knows.

——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》

[toggle title=机器翻译,仅供参考]
精粹(kwen TESS enss)这个名词指的是除了纯粹或完美本身的极端之外,没有任何极端的东西。这个词的起源具有五次净化的字面意思。

一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
