

  1. go on a rant: 发表激烈言论
  2. rant and rave: 大声责骂
  3. launch into a rant: 开始激烈抱怨
  4. a tirade of rant: 一连串的激烈言辞
  5. rant and rave about something: 对某事大声抱怨
  6. a passionate rant: 充满激情的抱怨
  7. rant and rave at someone: 对某人大声责骂
  8. unleash a rant on a topic: 在某个话题上大发感慨
  9. an angry rant: 愤怒的抱怨
  10. a rant against injustice: 对不公正的抨击
  11. launch into an expletive-laden rant: 开始大声咒骂
  12. a political rant: 政治性的抱怨
  13. an impassioned rant: 充满激情的抨击
  14. a lengthy rant: 冗长的抱怨
  15. rant about something trivial: 对琐事发牢骚
  16. a social media rant: 社交媒体上的抱怨
  17. a rant against the system: 对体制的抨击
  18. a public rant: 公开的大声责骂
  19. rant about politics: 抱怨政治
  20. a rant filled with frustration: 充满挫折感的抱怨



rant (rhymes with can’t) Unlike tirade or harangue, a rant is not only an angry or violent speech, but it can also be used to describe a piece of writing that is angry or that inspires anger or violence. It can also be used as a verb.

•The editorial in the school paper was an impassioned rant about the lack of school spirit during the homecoming game.

•As the ball sailed through the pane of glass and Melvin broke his fourth window of the summer, he could already hear his mother ranting at him about keeping his games confined to the schoolyard.
——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》

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一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
