

  1. A recalcitrant child: 不服管教的孩子
  2. Dealing with a recalcitrant employee: 处理不合作的员工
  3. A recalcitrant attitude: 不合作的态度
  4. A recalcitrant student: 不听话的学生
  5. Negotiating with a recalcitrant party: 与不合作的一方进行谈判
  6. Handling a recalcitrant client: 处理难缠的客户
  7. Resisting recalcitrant behavior: 抵制不服从的行为
  8. Confronting a recalcitrant individual: 面对不合作的个人
  9. Addressing recalcitrant issues: 解决顽固的问题
  10. Overcoming recalcitrant resistance: 克服顽抗
  11. Dealing with a recalcitrant partner: 处理不合作的合作伙伴
  12. A recalcitrant team member: 不合作的团队成员
  13. Persuading a recalcitrant audience: 说服不易劝服的听众
  14. Breaking through recalcitrant barriers: 克服困难障碍
  15. A recalcitrant organization: 不合作的组织
  16. Managing recalcitrant stakeholders: 管理难缠的利益相关者
  17. Resolving a recalcitrant dispute: 解决难以妥协的争端
  18. Negotiating with a recalcitrant union: 与不合作的工会进行谈判
  19. Handling recalcitrant behavior in the classroom: 处理课堂上的不合作行为
  20. Overcoming recalcitrant resistance to change: 克服对变革的抵抗
  21. Dealing with recalcitrant customers: 处理不合作的顾客
  22. Addressing recalcitrant opposition: 应对难以消除的反对
  23. A recalcitrant board of directors: 不合作的董事会
  24. Managing recalcitrant subordinates: 管理不服从的下属
  25. Overcoming recalcitrant habits: 克服固执的习惯
  26. Resisting recalcitrant pressure: 抵抗不合作的压力
  27. A recalcitrant government: 不合作的政府
  28. Negotiating with a recalcitrant supplier: 与不合作的供应商谈判
  29. Confronting recalcitrant beliefs: 面对固执的信念
  30. Dealing with recalcitrant data: 处理难以处理的数据
  31. Overcoming recalcitrant resistance to innovation: 克服对创新的抵抗
  32. Resolving recalcitrant conflicts: 解决顽固的冲突
  33. A recalcitrant defendant: 不合作的被告
  34. Addressing recalcitrant policies: 处理难以改变的政策
  35. Managing recalcitrant expectations: 管理不合作的期望
  36. Overcoming recalcitrant bureaucracy: 克服顽固的官僚主义
  37. Dealing with recalcitrant customers’ demands: 处理不合作的客户要求
  38. A recalcitrant system: 不合作的系统
  39. Resisting recalcitrant pressure from peers: 抵抗来自同行的不合作压力
  40. Negotiating with a recalcitrant committee: 与不合作的委员会谈判
  41. Confronting recalcitrant emotions: 面对顽固的情绪
  42. Overcoming recalcitrant resistance to training: 克服对培训的抵抗
  43. Addressing recalcitrant cultural barriers: 应对顽固的文化障碍
  44. Managing recalcitrant budget constraints: 管理难以改变的预算限制
  45. Dealing with recalcitrant partners in a joint venture: 处理合资企业中的不合作合作伙伴
  46. A recalcitrant patient: 不合作的患者
  47. Resisting recalcitrant peer pressure: 抵制不合作的同龄压力
  48. A recalcitrant customer complaint: 不合作的客户投诉
  49. Addressing recalcitrant resistance to technology adoption: 应对对技术采纳的抵抗
  50. Overcoming recalcitrant obstacles: 克服难以克服的障碍


recalcitrant (ree KAL se trant) Speaking of stubborn mules, this word comes from the Latin calcitrare, which means “to kick.” Someone who is recalci-trant is “stubbornly resistant to authority.” The noun form is “recalcitrance” or “recalcitrancy.”

•The recalcitrant child sat firmly on the couch with his arms crossed, refusing to go to bed.

•Ted’s recalcitrance was obvious when he continued chatting with his classmates, even after the teacher had called for silence.
——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》

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顽固不化(ree KAL se trant)说到顽固不驯的骡子,这个词来自拉丁语calcitrare,意思是“踢”。顽固不决的人是“顽固地反抗权威”。名词形式是“顽固不”或“顽固不”

一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
