

  • 定义:Recapitulate 是动词,表示总结、概括或重述的意思。它在不同语境下有以下用法:
  • 例句
    1. The professor asked the students to recapitulate the main points of the lecture.
    2. The documentary recapitulated the events leading up to the historical moment.
  • 小标题用法说明
  1. 总结、概括:表示归纳和总结某个事物、概念、观点或事件的主要要点。
    • In the conclusion, the author recapitulated the key findings of the research.
    • The CEO recapitulated the company’s achievements during the annual meeting.
  2. 重述、复述:表示以简洁的方式重新陈述或复述先前提到的内容。
    • The presenter recapitulated the main arguments for the audience’s benefit.
    • The teacher asked the students to recapitulate the plot of the story.
  3. 重现、再现:在音乐领域中,表示以某种形式重现或再现先前出现的音乐主题、旋律或乐章。
    • The orchestra recapitulated the main theme in the final movement of the symphony.
    • The pianist beautifully recapitulated the melody from the previous section.
  • 词源:Recapitulate 源自拉丁语 “recapitulare”,意为 “重述、总结”,由 “re-“(再次)和 “capitulum”(小节、标题)组成。

请注意,recapitulate 是一个正式用词,常用于学术、文学和演讲等场合,表示对内容进行总结、概括或重述。它可以用于口语和书面语,并具有多个层面的含义,根据具体上下文而定。



  1. Recapitulate the main points: 概括主要观点
  2. Recapitulate the key findings: 总结关键发现
  3. Recapitulate the argument: 重述论点
  4. Recapitulate the events: 回顾事件
  5. Recapitulate the lesson: 总结课程内容
  6. Recapitulate the story: 概括故事情节
  7. Recapitulate the steps: 总结步骤
  8. Recapitulate the process: 重述过程
  9. Recapitulate the discussion: 概括讨论
  10. Recapitulate the interview: 回顾采访内容
  11. Recapitulate the experiment: 总结实验
  12. Recapitulate the speech: 重述演讲
  13. Recapitulate the research: 总结研究成果
  14. Recapitulate the concept: 概括概念
  15. Recapitulate the theory: 总结理论


recapitulate (ree cah PICH yoo late) This verb means “to repeat in concise form.” It’s slightly different from “rehash,” which can be an exact or even longer recounting of the same event. The noun form is “recapitulation.”

“Can you please recapitulate how you discovered that your house was burglarized?” Detective Olsen said to Mrs. Butterworth. “Stick to the facts, Ma’am, just the facts.”

After a brief recapitulation of the novel’s plot, the women in the book club began a serious discussion of its central themes and its relevance to contemporary life.
——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》

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重述(ree cah PICH yoo late)这个动词的意思是“以简洁的形式重复”。它与“rehash”略有不同,后者可以是对同一事件的精确或更长的重述。名词形式是“重述”

一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
