

  1. Redolent scent: 弥漫的香气
  2. Redolent of flowers: 散发花香的
  3. Redolent with nostalgia: 充满怀旧之情的
  4. Redolent aroma: 强烈的香味
  5. Redolent perfume: 芳香的香水
  6. Redolent fragrance: 芬芳的气味
  7. Redolent bouquet: 香气扑鼻的花束
  8. Redolent kitchen: 散发食物香气的厨房
  9. Redolent memory: 具有回忆意味的
  10. Redolent flavor: 具有浓郁风味的
  11. Redolent herbs: 有香味的草药
  12. Redolent coffee: 弥漫咖啡香气的
  13. Redolent spices: 散发香料香气的
  14. Redolent atmosphere: 弥漫的氛围
  15. Redolent garden: 香气四溢的花园
  16. Redolent tea: 芳香的茶
  17. Redolent incense: 弥漫的香熏
  18. Redolent candle: 有香味的蜡烛
  19. Redolent air: 散发香气的空气
  20. Redolent oil: 具有香气的油
  21. Redolent spice rack: 香料架
  22. Redolent with memories: 引发回忆的
  23. Redolent with emotion: 充满情感的
  24. Redolent with history: 具有历史感的
  25. Redolent with joy: 弥漫喜悦的
  26. Redolent with anticipation: 充满期待的
  27. Redolent with possibility: 具有可能性的
  28. Redolent with charm: 充满魅力的
  29. Redolent with happiness: 弥漫幸福的
  30. Redolent with mystery: 充满神秘感的
  31. Redolent with romance: 具有浪漫气息的
  32. Redolent with excitement: 弥漫激动的
  33. Redolent with adventure: 充满冒险精神的
  34. Redolent with culture: 具有文化气息的
  35. Redolent with tradition: 具有传统的
  36. Redolent with authenticity: 具有真实性的
  37. Redolent with wisdom: 具有智慧的
  38. Redolent with beauty: 弥漫美丽的
  39. Redolent with tranquility: 充满宁静的
  40. Redolent with nostalgia: 充满怀旧之情的
  41. Redolent with love: 弥漫爱意的
  42. Redolent with friendship: 充满友情的
  43. Redolent with inspiration: 充满灵感的
  44. Redolent with success: 具有成功的
  45. Redolent with accomplishment: 充满成就感的
  46. Redolent with possibility: 具有可能性的
  47. Redolent with hope: 弥漫希望的
  48. Redolent with dreams: 充满梦想的
  49. Redolent with potential: 具有潜力的
  50. Redolent with happiness: 弥漫幸福的



redolent (RED uh lunt) Another “smell” word and a more pleasant one. This adjective usually describes a good fragrance, an aromatic smell. It can also be used figuratively for an intangible quality, a memory, or an aura.

•A full day after Thanksgiving had passed, the kitchen remained redolent of the smell of roasted onions, sage, and spices used in pumpkin pie.

•Just opening his college yearbook transported Luke to memories redolent in equal measures of good times and anxiety about the future.
——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》

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