

  1. clever ruse: 巧妙策略
  2. deceptive ruse: 欺骗手段
  3. sly ruse: 狡猾计策
  4. crafty ruse: 狡猾伎俩
  5. ingenious ruse: 精巧计谋
  6. ploy and ruse: 策略和伎俩
  7. tactical ruse: 战术手段
  8. strategic ruse: 战略伎俩
  9. subtle ruse: 巧妙计策
  10. cunning ruse: 狡猾计谋
  11. artful ruse: 精心策略
  12. decoy ruse: 诱饵手法
  13. diabolical ruse: 邪恶伎俩
  14. wily ruse: 狡猾计策
  15. misdirection ruse: 误导手段
  16. stratagem and ruse: 策略和诡计
  17. deceptive ruse: 欺骗伎俩
  18. tactical ruse: 战术伎俩
  19. ploy of ruse: 诡计策略
  20. ingenious ruse: 巧妙计策


ruse (ROOSE or ROOZE) From the Middle English word for “detour,” this noun means “a crafty scheme,” “a sneaky plan.”

  • Unable to pay his rent, Herman came up with several ruses to avoid bump-ing into his landlord, including climbing out of the window and using a ladder to leave his apartment building every morning.
  • So that her husband wouldn’t know she was planning a surprise party for him that evening, Jessica came up with a clever ruse to get him to the restaurant. She told him they were going to a party for his best friend.

——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》

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一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
