

关于 “espy” 的一些短语以及它们的中文解释:

  1. Espy from afar (从远处窥视) – 从远处或遥远的地方窥视或观察。例如:”He espied his friend from afar in the crowded train station.”(他在拥挤的火车站里从远处看到了他的朋友。)
  2. Espy a hidden treasure (发现隐藏的宝藏) – 发现或意外发现隐藏的财宝、宝藏或宝贵的物品。例如:”The explorers espied a hidden treasure in the depths of the cave.”(探险者们在洞穴深处发现了一处隐藏的宝藏。)
  3. Espy an opportunity (察觉到机会) – 察觉到或发现一个机会或有利的时机。例如:”She quickly espied an opportunity to showcase her talent during the auditions.”(她迅速察觉到在试音中展示自己才华的机会。)
  4. Espy a familiar face (发现一个熟悉的面孔) – 发现或认出一个熟悉的人脸或面孔。例如:”As he looked around the room, he espied a familiar face among the crowd.”(当他环顾四周时,在人群中他发现了一个熟悉的面孔。)
  5. Espy wildlife in its natural habitat (在自然栖息地中观察野生动物) – 在动物的自然栖息地中观察或发现野生动物。例如:”During the safari, we were lucky to espie various wildlife in their natural habitat.”(在野生动物园游览期间,我们很幸运地在它们的自然栖息地中观察到了各种野生动物。)
  6. Espy a secret meeting (偷窥秘密会议) – 偷窥或发现秘密会议的存在或发生。例如:”The detective espied a secret meeting taking place in the abandoned warehouse.”(侦探偷窥到了一场秘密会议正在废弃的仓库里进行。)
  7. Espy a distant landmark (发现遥远的地标) – 在远处或遥远的地方发现或看到一个地标或标志性建筑物。例如:”From the top of the hill, you can espie a distant landmark on the horizon.”(从山顶上,你可以看到地平线上一个遥远的地标。)


  1. Scan a document: 扫描文件
  2. Scan a barcode: 扫描条形码
  3. Scan the horizon: 扫视地平线
  4. Scan the crowd: 扫描人群
  5. Scan a QR code: 扫描二维码
  6. Scan a book: 浏览书籍
  7. Scan the headlines: 浏览头条新闻
  8. Scan a webpage: 浏览网页
  9. Scan the menu: 浏览菜单
  10. Scan for errors: 扫描错误
  11. Scan the area for clues: 在区域内搜索线索
  12. Scan the environment: 扫描环境
  13. Scan for viruses: 扫描病毒
  14. Scan for available networks: 扫描可用网络
  15. Scan your memory: 梳理记忆
  16. Scan a photo: 扫描照片
  17. Scan a code: 扫描代码
  18. Scan a ticket: 扫描门票
  19. Scan a passport: 扫描护照
  20. Scan the road ahead: 视线前方的道路



scan (rhymes with pan) Oddly enough, this verb has two opposing mean-ings. After much debate by word scholars, it was decided that it is accept-able to use it to mean “to examine closely” or “to look over or leaf through hastily.” It is also used by English and Classics students to mean “to analyze verse into metrical patterns.” It comes from the Latin word for “to climb,” because one could beat the rhythm of a poem by tapping one’s foot.

  • Max scanned the school newspaper to see if there was an article on last week’s soccer game since he scored the winning goal; sadly the sports section covered only the girls’ swim team and the recent junior varsity lacrosse games.
  • Scanning the first book of The Aeneid takes up the first month of Mr. Tobin’s AP Latin class because the students have difficulty determining the poem’s meter after a summer without practicing Latin.

——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》

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一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
