

  1. Reformed scapegrace: 改过自新的顽劣家伙
  2. Mischievous scapegrace: 淘气的顽劣家伙
  3. Wayward scapegrace: 难管束的顽劣家伙
  4. Irrepressible scapegrace: 难以抑制的顽劣家伙
  5. Adventurous scapegrace: 冒险的顽劣家伙
  6. Talented scapegrace: 有才华的顽劣家伙
  7. Charming scapegrace: 迷人的顽劣家伙
  8. Endearing scapegrace: 讨人喜欢的顽劣家伙
  9. Playful scapegrace: 爱玩耍的顽劣家伙
  10. Reckless scapegrace: 鲁莽的顽劣家伙
  11. Misbehaving scapegrace: 行为不当的顽劣家伙
  12. Troublesome scapegrace: 让人头疼的顽劣家伙
  13. Charismatic scapegrace: 有魅力的顽劣家伙
  14. Daring scapegrace: 大胆的顽劣家伙
  15. Cunning scapegrace: 狡猾的顽劣家伙
  16. Magnetic scapegrace: 有吸引力的顽劣家伙
  17. Witty scapegrace: 机智的顽劣家伙
  18. Adventurous young scapegrace: 冒险的年轻顽劣家伙
  19. Rebellious scapegrace: 叛逆的顽劣家伙
  20. Endearing little scapegrace: 可爱的小顽劣家伙
  21. Mischievous little scapegrace: 淘气的小顽劣家伙
  22. Wayward teenage scapegrace: 难管束的十几岁顽劣家伙
  23. Scheming scapegrace: 策划阴谋的顽劣家伙
  24. Charming rogue scapegrace: 迷人的恶棍顽劣家伙
  25. Wandering scapegrace: 流浪的顽劣家伙
  26. Irresistible scapegrace: 不可抗拒的顽劣家伙
  27. Playful young scapegrace: 爱玩耍的年轻顽劣家伙
  28. Reformed young scapegrace: 改过自新的年轻顽劣家伙
  29. Endearing little scapegrace: 讨人喜欢的小顽劣家伙
  30. Talented young scapegrace: 有才华的年轻顽劣家伙
  31. Charismatic young scapegrace: 有魅力的年轻顽劣家伙
  32. Daring young scapegrace: 大胆的年轻顽劣家伙
  33. Cunning young scapegrace: 狡猾的年轻顽劣家伙
  34. Adventurous little scapegrace: 冒险的小顽劣家伙
  35. Troublesome little scapegrace: 让人头疼的小顽劣家伙
  36. Rebellious teenage scapegrace: 叛逆的十几岁顽劣家伙
  37. Mischievous teenage scapegrace: 淘气的十几岁顽劣家伙
  38. Wayward young scapegrace: 难管束的年轻顽劣家伙
  39. Charming young scapegrace: 迷人的年轻顽劣家伙
  40. Witty young scapegrace: 机智的年轻顽劣家伙
  41. Irrepressible young scapegrace: 难以抑制的年轻顽劣家伙
  42. Magnetic young scapegrace: 有吸引力的年轻顽劣家伙
  43. Adventurous and daring scapegrace: 冒险而大胆的顽劣家伙
  44. Reformed and responsible scapegrace: 改过自新而负责的顽劣家伙
  45. Mischievous grin of a scapegrace: 顽劣家伙的淘气笑容
  46. scapegrace with a heart of gold: 有金子般的心灵的顽劣家伙
  47. scapegrace in disguise: 假扮成顽劣家伙
  48. scapegrace with a mischievous glint in the eye: 眼里透着淘气的顽劣家伙
  49. scapegrace with a devilish smile: 带着邪恶笑容的顽劣家伙
  50. scapegrace on a wild adventure: 顽劣家伙的狂野冒险



scapegrace (SKAPE grace) The English origin of this noun is self-evident; it describes a person who has “escaped” a condition of “grace.” It’s used for a scoundrel, a rascal, but often with the sense of describing mischief, not evil.

•MJ and McKenzie were the leading scapegraces of the playground in the park; their mothers often had to extricate them from tussles over whose turn it was at the swings or who had the right to the last cookie.

•Were women attracted to Don Juan in spite of his being a scapegrace or because he was such a rascal?
——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》

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scapegrace(SKAPE grace)这个名词的英语起源不言自明;它描述了一个“逃脱”了“优雅”条件的人。它被用来形容恶棍、无赖,但通常带有描述恶作剧而非邪恶的意思。

一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
