

  1. Behave in a seemly manner: 以得体的方式表现
  2. Conduct oneself in a seemly fashion: 以得体的方式行事
  3. Maintain seemly behavior: 保持得体的行为
  4. Act in a seemly way: 以得体的方式行动
  5. Speak in a seemly manner: 以得体的方式说话
  6. Dress in a seemly attire: 穿着得体的服装
  7. Display seemly conduct: 展示得体的行为
  8. Demonstrate seemly behavior: 表现出得体的行为
  9. Show seemly manners: 表现得体的礼貌
  10. Uphold seemly standards: 维持得体的标准
  11. Adhere to seemly etiquette: 遵守得体的礼仪
  12. Practice seemly decorum: 践行得体的礼仪
  13. Observe seemly protocol: 遵守得体的礼仪规范
  14. Foster a seemly environment: 培养一个得体的环境
  15. Promote seemly interactions: 促进得体的互动
  16. Encourage seemly communication: 鼓励得体的沟通
  17. Cultivate seemly habits: 培养得体的习惯
  18. Maintain a seemly appearance: 保持得体的外表
  19. Conduct a seemly conversation: 进行得体的对话
  20. Create a seemly atmosphere: 创造一个得体的氛围
  21. Exhibit seemly conduct: 展示得体的行为
  22. Practice seemly modesty: 践行得体的谦逊
  23. Follow seemly guidelines: 遵循得体的指南
  24. Uphold seemly values: 维护得体的价值观
  25. Respect seemly boundaries: 尊重得体的界限
  26. Adhere to seemly customs: 遵守得体的习俗
  27. Embrace seemly traditions: 拥抱得体的传统
  28. Behave with seemly grace: 以得体的优雅表现
  29. Interact with seemly courtesy: 以得体的礼貌互动
  30. Reflect seemly virtues: 彰显得体的美德
  31. Practice seemly restraint: 践行得体的克制
  32. Show seemly respect: 表现得体的尊重
  33. Embody seemly ethics: 具备得体的伦理道德
  34. Adhere to seemly standards: 遵守得体的标准
  35. Demonstrate seemly behavior: 展示得体的行为
  36. Cultivate seemly relationships: 培养得体的关系
  37. Communicate with seemly tact: 以得体的手法交流
  38. Uphold seemly principles: 维护得体的原则
  39. Practice seemly professionalism: 践行得体的职业素养
  40. Behave in a seemly way: 以得体的方式行事
  41. Speak with seemly eloquence: 以得体的雄辩说话
  42. Follow the seemly path: 遵循得体的道路
  43. Maintain seemly conduct: 保持得体的行为
  44. Adhere to seemly traditions: 遵循得体的传统
  45. Display seemly manners: 展示得体的礼仪
  46. Embrace seemly attitudes: 采取得体的态度
  47. Practice seemly modesty: 践行得体的谦虚
  48. Behave with seemly dignity: 以得体的尊严表现
  49. Communicate in a seemly manner: 以得体的方式交流
  50. Uphold the principles of seemly behavior: 维护得体行为的原则


seemly (SEEM lee) Even grammar experts could be tripped up by this word that looks like many adverbs but is an adjective. It describes behav-ior that is appropriate, fitting the accepted rules of conduct.

•This adjective enters English from Old Norse, language of the not particularly seemly Vikings, who plundered the shores of England for many years.

•It is seemly to pay tribute to the memory of an admired elder colleague; Mr. Casson’s memorial service will be held on Friday afternoon.
——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》

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似乎(SEEM lee)即使是语法专家也会被这个看起来像许多副词但却是形容词的词绊倒。它描述了符合公认行为准则的适当行为。

一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
