

  1. a servile attitude: 奴性的态度
  2. a servile manner: 谄媚的举止
  3. servile behavior: 奉承的行为
  4. servile obedience: 奴颜婢膝
  5. a servile servant: 奉承的仆人
  6. a servile follower: 谄媚的追随者
  7. a servile mindset: 奴性的心态
  8. servile flattery: 奉承的恭维
  9. a servile gesture: 谄媚的姿态
  10. a servile disposition: 卑躬屈膝的性格
  11. a servile slave: 奴隶般的人
  12. a servile employee: 奉承的雇员
  13. servile devotion: 奴颜婢膝的忠诚
  14. servile submission: 卑躬屈膝的屈服
  15. a servile attitude towards authority: 对权威的奴性态度
  16. a servile dependence on others: 对他人的依赖
  17. a servile mentality: 谄媚的心理
  18. a servile approach: 奉承的方式
  19. a servile response: 卑躬屈膝的回应
  20. a servile demeanor: 谄媚的风度
  21. servile behavior in the workplace: 工作场所中的奉承行为
  22. a servile posture: 奴颜婢膝的姿势
  23. a servile acceptance of injustice: 对不公正的卑躬屈膝的接受
  24. a servile mentality: 奴性的心态
  25. a servile desire for approval: 渴望认可的谄媚欲望
  26. a servile disposition towards authority: 对权威的卑躬屈膝的性格
  27. servile behavior towards superiors: 对上级的奉承行为
  28. a servile attitude towards the wealthy: 对富人的谄媚态度
  29. a servile dependence on others: 对他人的依赖
  30. a servile mindset that lacks independence: 缺乏独立性的奴性心态
  31. a servile willingness to please others: 卑躬屈膝的愿意取悦他人
  32. a servile response to criticism: 对批评的卑躬屈膝的回应
  33. servile behavior in the presence of authority figures: 在权威人物面前的奉承行为
  34. a servile attitude that compromises one’s integrity: 危及自己诚信的奴性态度
  35. a servile desire for social acceptance: 对社交认可的谄媚欲望
  36. a servile loyalty to those in power: 对权力者的奴颜婢膝的忠诚
  37. a servile response to demands: 对要求的卑躬屈膝的回应
  38. a servile willingness to follow orders: 对命令的奉承愿意
  39. servile behavior that seeks to avoid conflict: 试图避免冲突的奉承行为
  40. a servile attitude that lacks self-respect: 缺乏自尊心的奴性态度
  41. a servile mentality that seeks validation from others: 从他人那里寻求认可的奴性心态
  42. a servile demeanor that masks true thoughts and feelings: 掩盖真实思想和感受的谄媚风度
  43. a servile obedience that disregards personal values: 不顾个人价值观的奴颜婢膝的顺从
  44. a servile behavior that perpetuates inequality: 使不平等持续存在的奉承行为
  45. a servile acceptance of mistreatment: 对虐待的卑躬屈膝的接受
  46. a servile mindset that hinders personal growth: 阻碍个人成长的奴性心态
  47. a servile dependence on the approval of others: 对他人认可的依赖
  48. a servile attitude that sacrifices personal values for social acceptance: 为了社交认可而牺牲个人价值观的奴性态度
  49. a servile behavior that seeks to please at all costs: 不惜一切代价取悦他人的奉承行为
  50. a servile demeanor that undermines self-confidence: 削弱自信心的谄媚风度


servile (SER vile) This adjective describes the behavior of someone willing to act like someone’s slave in hopes of getting a payoff later.

As Alphonse works his way up the corporate ladder, he tries to keep his dignity intact, but even he has servile moments of getting coffee or running small errands for his supervisor.

Whenever the director of his lab starts to tell a joke, Nat servilely laughs long before the punch line.
——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》

[toggle title=机器翻译,仅供参考]
卑躬屈膝(SER ville)这个形容词描述了一个人愿意表现得像某人的奴隶,希望以后能得到回报的行为。

一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
