


shrapnel /ˈʃræpnəl/指榴霰弹或弹片,爆炸时会在空中散射,导致更大的杀伤力。如:

Grandad showed me the piece of shrapnel that had struck his helmet on D-Day.


榴霰弹以发名者英国炮兵军官亨利·施拉普尔少将(Henry Shrapnel,1761—1842)的名字命名。他设计了一种炮弹,里面装满了弹丸,炮弹爆炸时,散开的弹丸可造成更多伤亡。随着时间的推移,这个术语被广泛应用于任何在爆炸中飞行的致命金属碎片。



炮弹碎片 (shrapnel):指炮弹爆炸后散布的碎片,常用于战争和军事背景中。

以下是一些与 “shrapnel” 相关的短语:

  1. shrapnel injuries: 炮弹碎片伤
  2. shrapnel wounds: 炮弹碎片伤口
  3. shrapnel explosion: 炮弹碎片爆炸
  4. shrapnel damage: 炮弹碎片损害
  5. shrapnel blast: 炮弹碎片冲击
  6. shrapnel shell: 炮弹碎片弹壳
  7. shrapnel field: 炮弹碎片场
  8. shrapnel fragments: 炮弹碎片
  9. shrapnel dispersal: 炮弹碎片散布
  10. shrapnel pattern: 炮弹碎片分布
  11. shrapnel impact: 炮弹碎片冲击
  12. shrapnel surgery: 炮弹碎片手术
  13. shrapnel detection: 炮弹碎片探测
  14. shrapnel extraction: 炮弹碎片取出
  15. shrapnel helmet: 炮弹碎片头盔
  16. shrapnel protection: 炮弹碎片防护
  17. shrapnel bombardment: 炮弹碎片轰炸
  18. shrapnel evacuation: 炮弹碎片撤离
  19. shrapnel resistance: 炮弹碎片抗性
  20. shrapnel shower: 炮弹碎片淋浴
  21. shrapnel vest: 炮弹碎片防护背心
  22. shrapnel trauma: 炮弹碎片创伤
  23. shrapnel spray: 炮弹碎片喷射
  24. shrapnel warning: 炮弹碎片警示
  25. shrapnel retrieval: 炮弹碎片回收
  26. shrapnel detonation: 炮弹碎片引爆
  27. shrapnel shield: 炮弹碎片护盾
  28. shrapnel danger: 炮弹碎片危险
  29. shrapnel zone: 炮弹碎片区
  30. shrapnel projectile: 炮弹碎片抛射物
  31. shrapnel scatter: 炮弹碎片散落
  32. shrapnel protection gear: 炮弹碎片防护装备
  33. shrapnel shelling: 炮弹碎片炮击
  34. shrapnel-proof: 抗炮弹碎片的
  35. shrapnel-embedded: 嵌入炮弹碎片的
  36. shrapnel-filled: 充满炮弹碎片的
  37. shrapnel-ridden: 充满炮弹碎片的
  38. shrapnel-laden: 装满炮弹碎片的
  39. shrapnel-inflicted: 受到炮弹碎片伤害的
  40. shrapnel-pierced: 被炮弹碎片穿透的
  41. shrapnel-riddled: 充满炮弹碎片的
  42. shrapnel-damaged: 受到炮弹碎片损害的
  43. shrapnel-filled air: 充满炮弹碎片的空气
  44. shrapnel-ridden landscape: 充满炮弹碎片的景观
  45. shrapnel-infested area: 充满炮弹碎片的区域
  46. shrapnel-riddled building: 充满炮弹碎片的建筑物
  47. shrapnel-damaged vehicle: 受到炮弹碎片损坏的车辆
  48. shrapnel-inflicted casualties: 受到炮弹碎片伤亡的人员
  49. shrapnel-scattered ground: 散落着炮弹碎片的地面
  50. shrapnel-induced chaos: 炮弹碎片引发的混乱
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