
英 [ʃruː]美 [ʃru]

n. 泼妇,悍妇


“Shrew” 是一个英语单词,可以用作名词或动词。下面是对 “shrew” 的详细解释:


  1. 鼩鼱(动物):在生物学中,”shrew” 是指一种小型哺乳动物,通常被称为鼩鼱。它们属于Soricidae科,是小型、活泼且具有长鼻子和锐利牙齿的哺乳动物。
  2. 泼妇,刁妇:在俚语和口语中,”shrew” 可以用来形容一个脾气暴躁、难以相处或善于争吵的女性。它通常带有贬义和侮辱的意味,用于形容那些具有好斗或难以控制情绪的女性。

动词解释: 作为动词,”shrew” 表示 “责备、发牢骚或责骂”。这个动词通常用于形容争吵或争论中的一方,表达他们以大声、尖锐或刺耳的声音表示不满、批评或责备。

总结: “Shrew” 这个词既可以作为名词表示小型哺乳动物(鼩鼱),也可以用作名词形容一个脾气暴躁的女性(泼妇、刁妇)。此外,作为动词,”shrew” 表示责备、发牢骚或责骂。

请注意,尽管 “shrew” 在特定语境中可能被使用,但它通常被认为是一个带有贬义的词汇,使用时需要小心,以避免冒犯他人。


shrew 鼩鼱,泼妇,悍妇
来自古英语 screawa,鼩鼱,可能最终来自 PIE*sker,切,劈,词源同 shear,share,shard.词义由 切,劈引申词义咬,后用以命名这种老鼠,因其尖利的牙齿而得名。引申词义泼妇,悍妇。


1. 谐音“戏辱、喜辱”—–喜欢辱骂人的女人(因为第一个音与“she”相同,所以是女人)。
2. 谐音“鼠如”—–如鼠—-鼩鼱。
3. 莎翁著名喜剧:The Taming of the Shrew(驯悍记),多次翻拍成电影。
4. 谐音“喜怒、she怒、媳怒”——喜欢发怒的女人(因为该单词的第一个音与“she”相同,所以是女人)——-喜欢发怒的女人,当然就是“悍妇,泼妇”了。


shrew” 是一个名词,指的是一种小型哺乳动物,也被称为”鼩鼱”。此外,”shrew” 还可以用来形容一个粗鲁、刻薄、暴躁的女人。以下是与 “shrew” 相关的50个短语,附带中文解释:

  1. shrew-like behavior: 像鼩鼱一样的行为
  2. shrew infestation: 鼩鼱滋扰
  3. shrew population: 鼩鼱种群
  4. shrew habitat: 鼩鼱栖息地
  5. shrew species: 鼩鼱物种
  6. shrew anatomy: 鼩鼱解剖学
  7. shrew diet: 鼩鼱饮食
  8. shrew conservation: 鼩鼱保护
  9. shrew ecology: 鼩鼱生态学
  10. shrew behavior: 鼩鼱行为
  11. shrew research: 鼩鼱研究
  12. shrew reproduction: 鼩鼱繁殖
  13. shrew life cycle: 鼩鼱生命周期
  14. shrew hunting: 鼩鼱捕猎
  15. shrew predators: 鼩鼱的捕食者
  16. shrew burrow: 鼩鼱洞穴
  17. shrew tracks: 鼩鼱足迹
  18. shrew migration: 鼩鼱迁徙
  19. shrew vocalizations: 鼩鼱鸣叫声
  20. shrew adaptation: 鼩鼱适应
  21. shrew venom: 鼩鼱毒液
  22. shrew size: 鼩鼱大小
  23. shrew agility: 鼩鼱敏捷性
  24. shrew personality: 鼩鼱个性
  25. shrew aggression: 鼩鼱攻击性
  26. shrew temperament: 鼩鼱脾气
  27. shrew dominance: 鼩鼱优势
  28. shrew courtship: 鼩鼱求偶
  29. shrew social structure: 鼩鼱社会结构
  30. shrew communication: 鼩鼱交流
  31. shrew intelligence: 鼩鼱智力
  32. shrew territoriality: 鼩鼱领地性
  33. shrew scent marking: 鼩鼱标记气味
  34. shrew foraging: 鼩鼱觅食
  35. shrew nest: 鼩鼱巢穴
  36. shrew grooming: 鼩鼱清洁
  37. shrew nocturnal behavior: 鼩鼱夜行性行为
  38. shrew hibernation: 鼩鼱冬眠
  39. shrew lifespan: 鼩鼱寿命
  40. shrew reproduction cycle: 鼩鼱繁殖周期
  41. shrew migration patterns: 鼩鼱迁徙模式
  42. shrew feeding habits: 鼩鼱饮食习性
  43. shrew natural habitat: 鼩鼱自然栖息地
  44. shrew environmental impact: 鼩鼱对环境的影响
  45. shrew behavior study: 鼩鼱行为研究
  46. shrew population decline: 鼩鼱种群减少
  47. shrew conservation efforts: 鼩鼱保护努力
  48. shrew species diversity: 鼩鼱物种多样性
  49. shrew hunting techniques: 鼩鼱捕猎技巧
  50. shrew survival strategies: 鼩鼱生存策略


shrew (rhymes with screw) Although this noun applied to both men and women as far back as the thirteenth century and meant “spiteful person,” it has since come to mean “a peevish, spiteful, nagging woman.” The word comes from the Old English for a “shrew mouse,” which was once believed to have a venomous bite.

  • Before her marriage to the gallant prince made her an altogether happier woman, Gwendolyn had been a mean-spirited, pestering shrew.
  • In Shakespeare’s Taming of the Shrew, the character of Katherina, dubbed a “shrew” for her stubborn and critical nature, is eventually tamed by the suitor Petruchio, who transforms her into a tender wife.

——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》

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一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
