Bai Juyi Poem: Sleek Horse and Light Furs – 白居易《轻肥》












[1] 轻肥:轻裘肥马,指达官显贵,兼喻其生活的豪奢。《论语·雍也》云:“乘肥马,衣轻裘。”

[2] 意气:意态与神气。

[3] 内臣:宦官。

[4] 朱绂(fú):朱红色朝服。唐制,官分九品,四五品衣朱,二三品佩紫绶。

[5] 紫绶(shòu):紫色的系印绶带。

[6] 樽罍(léi):古代盛酒的器具。

[7] 九酝:泛指最醇美的酒。

[8] 八珍:八样贵重食品。

[9] 擘(bò):剖开。

[10] 洞庭橘:江苏太湖洞庭山产的名橘。

[11] 脍(kuài):细切的鱼肉。

[12] 天池:这里指大海。

[13] 衢州:今浙江省衢县。

Sleek Horse and Light Furs

Bai Juyi

The road is overwhelmed with their pride,

Saddled steeds brighten the roadside.

How proud these officers appear

For they are eunuchs without fear!

They wear official tassels red

And violet ribbon round the head.

To feast in the army they’re proud,

Their horses run as light as cloud.

They drink and eat, wine cup in hand,

Delicious food from sea and land.

The oranges come from the lakeside;

The fish from Heaven’s Pool well fried.

Full fed, they set their heart at ease;

Drunken, they would do as they please.

This year in the south the drought rages;

Men eat human flesh like savages.

The poet criticizes the luxurious eunuchs and reminds them of the drought in the south.


Lightly Fattened” is a poem by Bai Juyi, a poet of the Tang Dynasty, the seventh poem in the group “Ten Poems of Qinzhong Yin”. The poem focuses on exposing the eunuchs who were favored by the emperor, contrasting the arrogance and luxury of the eunuchs with the hardships of the people, expressing a strong spirit of realism and a valuable stance for the country and the people. The poem uses the technique of contrast to juxtapose two diametrically opposed social phenomena, and the poem ends with a strange peak, which has the momentum of falling into a thousand pieces, achieving a strong artistic effect.
