

  1. squander money: 浪费金钱
  2. squander opportunities: 浪费机会
  3. squander time: 浪费时间
  4. squander resources: 浪费资源
  5. squander talent: 浪费才华
  6. squander energy: 浪费精力
  7. squander potential: 浪费潜力
  8. squander wealth: 浪费财富
  9. squander chances: 错失机会
  10. squander a fortune: 浪费一大笔钱
  11. squander an inheritance: 浪费继承的财产
  12. squander an opportunity of a lifetime: 错过终生机会
  13. squander natural resources: 浪费自然资源
  14. squander one’s savings: 浪费存款
  15. squander someone’s trust: 辜负某人的信任
  16. squander a valuable asset: 浪费有价值的资产
  17. squander a good education: 浪费良好的教育
  18. squander potential success: 浪费潜在的成功机会
  19. squander creative ideas: 浪费创意思路
  20. squander opportunities for growth: 错失发展机会
  21. squander natural beauty: 浪费自然美景
  22. squander life’s precious moments: 浪费生命中宝贵的时刻
  23. squander a promising future: 浪费一个充满希望的未来
  24. squander chances for happiness: 错失幸福机会
  25. squander a golden opportunity: 错过绝佳机会
  26. squander potential relationships: 浪费可能的人际关系
  27. squander an advantageous position: 浪费有利地位
  28. squander valuable time on trivial matters: 将宝贵的时间浪费在琐事上
  29. squander creativity on unimportant projects: 将创造力浪费在不重要的项目上
  30. squander a rare gift: 浪费一份难得的礼物
  31. squander goodwill: 浪费好感
  32. squander natural talent: 浪费天赋
  33. squander opportunities for personal growth: 错失个人成长的机会
  34. squander potential earnings: 浪费潜在收益
  35. squander an inheritance on frivolous expenses: 浪费继承财产进行轻率开销
  36. squander financial resources on unnecessary items: 将财务资源浪费在不必要的物品上
  37. squander energy on unproductive tasks: 浪费精力在无效的任务上
  38. squander a chance to make a difference: 错失改变的机会
  39. squander opportunities for self-improvement: 错过自我提升的机会
  40. squander valuable assets on unsuccessful ventures: 将有价值的资产浪费在不成功的冒险中
  41. squander an investment through poor decision-making: 通过糟糕的决策浪费一项投资
  42. squander opportunities for personal development: 错失个人发展的机会
  43. squander potential benefits by neglecting important tasks: 通过忽视重要任务来浪费潜在的好处
  44. squander time on unproductive activities: 浪费时间在无效的活动上
  45. squander natural talent by not honing skills: 通过不磨练技能来浪费天赋
  46. squander a golden chance for success: 错失成功的黄金机会
  47. squander an opportunity to learn from mistakes: 错失从错误中学习的机会
  48. squander resources on unnecessary luxuries: 将资源浪费在不必要的奢侈品上
  49. squander potential by settling for mediocrity: 通过满足平庸来浪费潜力
  50. squander goodwill by betraying trust: 通过背叛信任来浪费好感


squander (SKWAN der) If you spend extravagantly, you’re squandering money. If you don’t take an interesting summer internship, you’re squan-dering a chance to pick up new skills. Either way, this verb expresses the idea of “wasting.” The root word, thus far, baffles linguists.

•Although Shakespeare’s Polonius doesn’t use the word, he counsels his son against squandering when he says, “Neither a borrower nor a lender be, for loan oft loses both itself and friend.”

•Mr. Fleetwood, my neighbor, was given to quoting the Roman poet Horace, who orders us to “seize the day” and further urging his son and me not to squander our youth. “It will pass quickly enough anyway,” he’d add, knowingly.
——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》

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挥霍(SKWAN der)如果你挥霍无度,你就是在挥霍金钱。如果你不参加一个有趣的暑期实习,你就有机会学习新技能。不管怎样,这个动词都表达了“浪费”的意思。到目前为止,词根词让语言学家感到困惑。

一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
