
stigma 英 [ˈstɪɡmə] 美 [ˈstɪɡmə]



  • As women earn more and the stigma of divorce fades, more men are finding that they cannot treat their wives as servants (or, worse, punchbags), because women can credibly threaten to walk away.
  • We can end the stigma that has forced too many to suffer in silence.


[noun] a mark of disgrace associated with a particular circumstance, quality, or person
[名词] 与特定情况、品质或人有关的耻辱标志



这种刑罚所留下的烙印就是 stigma 。该单词与 stick (戳、粘贴)同源,因为行刑时需要用烧红的烙铁来 stick 罪犯的皮肤。该词后来常用于比喻“耻辱、污名”。

此外, stigma 在生物学中表示花朵的“柱头”。柱头位于雌蕊的顶端,是接受花粉的部位,柱头成熟时为花粉萌发提供必要的物质与识别信号,一般膨大或扩展成各种形状。


Mental illness is nothing to be ashamed of, but stigma and bias shame us all.

出自比尔·克林顿(Bill Clinton,1946年8月19日-)是美国律师、政治人物,民主党成员,曾长期担任阿肯色州州长(1979年-1981年、1983年-1992年)和第42任美国总统(1993年-2001年)。




这种刑罚所留下的烙印就是 stigma 。该单词与 stick (戳、粘贴)同源,因为行刑时需要用烧红的烙铁来 stick 罪犯的皮肤。该词后来常用于比喻“耻辱、污名”。

  • stigma: [‘stɪgmə] n. 耻辱,污名,烙印,特征


stigma (STIG muh) This word comes from the Greek word for “mark” or “tattoo” and now means “a symbol of disgrace.” The archaic plural “stig-mata” is used by some Christians to describe the alleged body marks or sores in locations corresponding to the crucifixion wounds of Jesus.

  • Jessica bears the stigma of having hired the sexist, racist efficiency expert who fired several talented staff members, so everyone ignored her sugges-tions for new hires.
  • In 1224, St. Francis of Assisi is said to have revealed stigmata on his body— two marks on his palms, two on his feet where the nails were said to have fixed Christ to the cross, and one on his side, where the Bible says Jesus received a spear thrust from a Roman centurion.

——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》

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污名(STIG muh)这个词来自希腊语中“标记”或“纹身”的意思,现在的意思是“耻辱的象征”。一些基督徒使用古老的复数“STIG mata”来描述与耶稣被钉十字架的伤口相对应的部位的所谓身体标记或溃疡。

  • 杰西卡因雇佣了一位性别歧视、种族主义的效率专家而臭名昭著,这位专家解雇了几名有才华的员工,所以所有人都忽视了她对新员工的建议
  • 1224年,阿西西的圣方济各据说在他身上露出了污名——手掌上有两个印记,脚上有两处据说是钉子把基督钉在十字架上的地方,还有一处在他的侧面,圣经说耶稣被罗马百夫长用长矛刺了一下





  1. Social stigma: 社会污名
  2. Mental health stigma: 心理健康歧视
  3. stigma attached to HIV: 与HIV相关的污名
  4. stigma of addiction: 成瘾的污名
  5. stigma against mental illness: 对精神疾病的污名
  6. stigma surrounding poverty: 围绕贫困的污名
  7. stigma of disability: 残疾的污名
  8. stigma of being different: 不同的污名
  9. Cultural stigma: 文化污名
  10. Racial stigma: 种族歧视
  11. Gender stigma: 性别污名
  12. stigma of aging: 老龄化的污名
  13. stigma of being single: 单身的污名
  14. stigma of unemployment: 失业的污名
  15. stigma of mental health treatment: 心理健康治疗的污名
  16. stigma against substance abuse: 对物质滥用的污名
  17. stigma attached to tattoos: 与纹身相关的污名
  18. stigma of homelessness: 无家可归的污名
  19. stigma of seeking help: 寻求帮助的污名
  20. stigma of mental health medication: 心理健康药物的污名
  21. stigma of being a survivor: 幸存者的污名
  22. stigma of mental health labels: 心理健康标签的污名
  23. stigma of seeking therapy: 寻求治疗的污名
  24. stigma around body image: 身体形象的污名
  25. stigma of speaking out: 表达的污名
  26. stigma against sexual orientation: 对性取向的歧视
  27. Cultural stigma: 文化歧视
  28. stigma attached to domestic violence: 与家庭暴力相关的污名
  29. stigma of being a survivor: 幸存者的污名
  30. stigma of mental health issues in youth: 青少年心理健康问题的污名
  31. stigma against mental health professionals: 对心理健康专业人士的歧视
  32. stigma of certain professions: 特定职业的污名
  33. stigma of seeking financial help: 寻求财务帮助的污名
  34. stigma of divorce: 离婚的污名
  35. stigma of being a caregiver: 看护者的污名
  36. stigma against religious beliefs: 对宗教信仰的歧视
  37. stigma of being a survivor: 幸存者的污名
  38. stigma of mental health in the workplace: 职场心理健康的污名
  39. stigma of seeking legal assistance: 寻求法律援助的污名
  40. stigma around reproductive choices: 生育选择的污名
  41. stigma of seeking addiction treatment: 寻求成瘾治疗的污名
  42. stigma of expressing emotions: 表达情感的污名
  43. stigma against immigrants: 对移民的歧视
  44. stigma of mental health diagnosis: 心理健康诊断的污名
  45. stigma around mental health conversations: 心理健康对话的污名
  46. stigma against certain hobbies: 对特定爱好的歧视
  47. stigma of childhood trauma: 童年创伤的污名
  48. stigma of discussing financial struggles: 讨论财务困境的污名
  49. stigma of seeking disability accommodations: 寻求残疾适应的污名
  50. stigma of mental health history: 心理健康历史的污名


  • stain: a thing that damages or brings disgrace to someone or something’s reputation
  • taint: a trace of a bad or undesirable quality or substance
一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
