Own that shit!You own it! 自己造的孽别他妈想推卸! 《X特遣队》
Own that shit!You own it! 自己造的孽别他妈想推卸! 《X特遣队》
他长得像一个怪物 人们把他当成一个怪物 最后 他成了一个怪物 He looked like a monster. So they treated him like a monster. Then he became a monster. 阿...
She though shewas curinghim…But she was falling in love. 她一直以为她对他的治疗是成功的,其实是她爱上了她。 《X特遣队》
hey,lady…I lost my puddin, but you can get him back,right? 嘿,女士…我失去了我的小布丁,但是你可以让他回来的,对吗? 《X特遣队》
i am coming for you (我 为你而来) 《X特遣队》
“Gentleman, ladies: what if Superman had decided to fly down, rip off the roof of the White House, and grab the presid...
“Own that shit!You own it! 自己造的孽别他妈想推卸!” —— 《自杀小队》