

  1. sumptuous feast: 华丽的盛宴
  2. sumptuous banquet: 豪华的宴会
  3. sumptuous meal: 丰盛的餐点
  4. sumptuous cuisine: 美味的菜肴
  5. sumptuous spread: 豪华的摆设
  6. sumptuous buffet: 丰盛的自助餐
  7. sumptuous desserts: 美味的甜点
  8. sumptuous dinner: 丰盛的晚餐
  9. sumptuous breakfast: 丰盛的早餐
  10. sumptuous lunch: 丰盛的午餐
  11. sumptuous treats: 美味的小吃
  12. sumptuous delicacies: 美味佳肴
  13. sumptuous spread of food: 丰盛的食物摆设
  14. sumptuous wine selection: 丰富的葡萄酒选择
  15. sumptuous chocolate cake: 绚丽的巧克力蛋糕
  16. sumptuous interior design: 豪华的室内设计
  17. sumptuous fabrics: 华丽的织物
  18. sumptuous furnishings: 豪华的家具
  19. sumptuous bedding: 舒适的床品
  20. sumptuous decor: 豪华的装饰
  21. sumptuous palace: 华丽的宫殿
  22. sumptuous mansion: 豪华的大厦
  23. sumptuous villa: 豪华的别墅
  24. sumptuous hotel suite: 豪华的酒店套房
  25. sumptuous ballroom: 华丽的舞厅
  26. sumptuous theater: 豪华的剧院
  27. sumptuous costume: 华丽的服装
  28. sumptuous jewelry: 华丽的珠宝
  29. sumptuous accessories: 时尚的配饰
  30. sumptuous fashion: 华丽的时尚
  31. sumptuous art collection: 艺术品丰富的收藏
  32. sumptuous exhibition: 华丽的展览
  33. sumptuous painting: 华丽的绘画作品
  34. sumptuous sculpture: 华丽的雕塑
  35. sumptuous architecture: 华丽的建筑
  36. sumptuous garden: 豪华的花园
  37. sumptuous landscape: 风景优美的地方
  38. sumptuous vacation: 豪华的假期
  39. sumptuous getaway: 豪华的度假
  40. sumptuous spa: 豪华的水疗中心
  41. sumptuous retreat: 豪华的休闲地
  42. sumptuous cruise: 豪华的邮轮之旅
  43. sumptuous destination: 豪华的旅游目的地
  44. sumptuous experience: 华丽的体验
  45. sumptuous celebration: 豪华的庆祝活动
  46. sumptuous wedding: 豪华的婚礼
  47. sumptuous party: 豪华的派对
  48. sumptuous event: 豪华的活动
  49. sumptuous gift: 豪华的礼物
  50. sumptuous lifestyle: 豪华的生活方式



sumptuous (SUMP tyoo us) From the Latin word for “expense,” this adjec-tive describes things or situations that are lavish, marked by abundance, and, thus, are likely to have cost a lot.

•Fred’s midday craving for a sumptuous meal is not likely to be fulfilled by the offerings of the salad bar and the sandwich stand.

•Marc Antony yielded quickly to the sumptuous effect of the regal Cleopatra in her golden boat with its perfumed-filled sails floating down the Nile.
——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》

[toggle title=机器翻译,仅供参考]
奢华的(SUMP tyoo us)这个形容词来自拉丁语中的“费用”一词,描述的是以富足为标志的奢侈的事物或情况,因此,很可能花费了很多。
•马克·安东尼(Marc Antony)很快就屈服于帝王克利奥帕特拉(Cleopatra)乘坐金色小船的华丽效果,船上飘满了香水的帆,顺着尼罗河顺流而下。

一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
