

  1. Bold temerity: 大胆的鲁莽
  2. Audacious temerity: 大胆的鲁莽
  3. Reckless temerity: 鲁莽的冒险
  4. Foolhardy temerity: 鲁莽的胆量
  5. Brazen temerity: 厚颜无耻的鲁莽
  6. Daring temerity: 大胆的鲁莽
  7. Impudent temerity: 无礼的鲁莽
  8. Rash temerity: 轻率的鲁莽
  9. Fearless temerity: 无畏的鲁莽
  10. Unbridled temerity: 放肆的鲁莽
  11. Audacity and temerity: 大胆和鲁莽
  12. temerity to defy authority: 藐视权威的鲁莽
  13. temerity to challenge conventions: 挑战传统的鲁莽
  14. temerity to question norms: 质疑规范的鲁莽
  15. temerity to speak out: 大胆发声的鲁莽
  16. temerity to take risks: 冒险的鲁莽
  17. temerity to break the rules: 违背规则的鲁莽
  18. temerity to confront obstacles: 直面障碍的鲁莽
  19. temerity to pursue dreams: 追求梦想的鲁莽
  20. temerity to challenge the status quo: 挑战现状的鲁莽
  21. temerity to go against the grain: 违背主流的鲁莽
  22. temerity to face criticism: 面对批评的鲁莽
  23. temerity to demand justice: 要求正义的鲁莽
  24. temerity to stand up for oneself: 为自己站立的鲁莽
  25. temerity to speak up against injustice: 反抗不公的鲁莽发声
  26. temerity to challenge the odds: 挑战可能性的鲁莽
  27. temerity to push boundaries: 推动界限的鲁莽
  28. temerity to embrace change: 拥抱变化的鲁莽
  29. temerity to question authority: 质疑权威的鲁莽
  30. temerity to break free from limitations: 摆脱限制的鲁莽
  31. temerity to speak truth to power: 对权力说真话的鲁莽
  32. temerity to challenge societal norms: 挑战社会规范的鲁莽
  33. temerity to pursue unconventional paths: 追求非传统道路的鲁莽
  34. temerity to stand against injustice: 反抗不公的鲁莽
  35. temerity to defy expectations: 违背预期的鲁莽
  36. temerity to forge one’s own path: 开辟自己的道路的鲁莽
  37. temerity to challenge the establishment: 挑战体制的鲁莽
  38. temerity to defy the odds: 违背几率的鲁莽
  39. temerity to overcome obstacles: 克服障碍的鲁莽
  40. temerity to take a leap of faith: 信心的鲁莽
  41. temerity to embark on a new adventure: 开启新冒险的鲁莽



temerity (tem ER it ee) From the Latin word meaning “rash,” this noun is at one extreme of boldness. Someone with temerity exhibits a foolish dis-regard for danger. There is actually an adjective form of the word, “tem-erarious,” but using this uncommon form would be a little bit audacious.

•Oliver Twist had the temerity to ask for some more porridge when he knew the directors of the orphanage were determined to feed the boys as little as possible.

•It took a lot of temerity for the soldier to cross No Man’s Land in the middle of a skirmish.

——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》

[toggle title=机器翻译,仅供参考]
•奥利弗·特斯特(Oliver Twist)知道孤儿院的负责人决定尽可能少地喂孩子们,于是就冒冒失失地要了更多的粥。

一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
