

  1. give a testimonial: 提供推荐
  2. testimonial letter: 推荐信
  3. testimonial evidence: 证明性证词
  4. testimonial statement: 证明性陈述
  5. testimonial video: 推荐视频
  6. testimonial speech: 推荐演讲
  7. written testimonial: 书面推荐
  8. personal testimonial: 个人推荐
  9. customer testimonial: 客户推荐
  10. testimonial of appreciation: 感谢推荐
  11. testimonial of experience: 经验推荐
  12. testimonial of success: 成功推荐
  13. testimonial of satisfaction: 满意推荐
  14. testimonials from clients: 客户推荐
  15. testimonial of quality: 质量推荐
  16. provide a glowing testimonial: 提供热情推荐
  17. testimonial of support: 支持推荐
  18. testimonials from satisfied customers: 满意客户推荐
  19. testimonial of achievement: 成就推荐
  20. testimonial of reliability: 可靠推荐
  21. testimonial of trustworthiness: 值得信赖推荐
  22. testimonial of integrity: 诚信推荐
  23. testimonial of professionalism: 专业推荐
  24. testimonial of loyalty: 忠诚推荐
  25. testimonial of competence: 能力推荐
  26. testimonial of character: 品质推荐
  27. testimonial of leadership: 领导力推荐
  28. testimonial from colleagues: 同事推荐
  29. testimonial from peers: 同行推荐
  30. testimonials from satisfied users: 满意用户推荐
  31. testimonial from a satisfied client: 满意客户推荐
  32. testimonial from a happy customer: 快乐顾客推荐
  33. testimonial from a loyal supporter: 忠实支持者推荐
  34. testimonial from a successful entrepreneur: 成功企业家推荐
  35. testimonial from a trusted advisor: 受信任的顾问推荐
  36. testimonial from a respected industry leader: 受尊敬的行业领袖推荐
  37. testimonial from a renowned expert: 著名专家推荐
  38. provide testimonials: 提供推荐
  39. request a testimonial: 请求推荐
  40. collect testimonials: 收集推荐
  41. share testimonials: 分享推荐
  42. display testimonials: 展示推荐
  43. use testimonials for marketing: 利用推荐进行市场营销
  44. testimonial campaign: 推荐活动
  45. testimonial showcase: 推荐展示
  46. testimonial page: 推荐页面
  47. testimonial section: 推荐部分
  48. testimonial website: 推荐网站
  49. testimonial database: 推荐数据库
  50. testimonial plugin: 推荐插件


testimonial (test ih MOAN ee uhl) You can give a testimonial for a person, a faith, or a product. In short, it is a spoken or written statement of tribute. (Like all words in the “testify, testament, testimonial” category, it has a male-centered origin in the word “testes” or “testicles”; presumably, a man holding a hand on that portion of his anatomy was speaking even more frankly than if placing a hand on his heart.)

•I like Mr. Powell, but I don’t want to give a testimonial for him at the rally, for I also like his opponent.

•Joella spoke so enthusiastically about her Hairsheen, her new shampoo, that I fleetingly wondered if she had been paid by the company to give her dorm-mates a testimonial.
——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》

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证明(测试ih MOAN ee uhl)你可以为一个人、一种信仰或一种产品提供证明。简而言之,这是一份口头或书面的致敬声明。(与“作证、遗嘱、证明”类别中的所有单词一样,它的“睾丸”或“睾丸”一词以男性为中心;据推测,一个男人把手放在身体的那部分,比把手放在心脏上说话更坦率。)

一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
