![The Birds (1)](https://pabulika.cn/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/The-Birds-1.jpg)
-你好 麦克古德太太 -你好 丹尼尔斯小姐
Hello, Mrs. MacGruder. Oh, hello, Miss Daniels.
你有见过这么多海鸥吗 你想是怎么回事
Have you ever seen so many gulls? What do you suppose it is?
一定是海上有暴风雨 把它们赶往内陆了
There must be a storm at sea. That can drive them inland, you know.
我还希望你会晚点过来 鸟还没送到呢
I was hoping you’d be a little late. You see, he hasn’t arrived yet.
-但你说三点的 -我知道
– Oh, but you said 3:00. – Oh, I know.
我知道 我打了一早的电♥话♥
I know. I’ve been calling all morning.
丹尼尔斯小姐 你有所不知
Oh, Miss Daniels, you have no idea.
它们很难弄到手 真的
They are so difficult to get. Really, they are.
我们得从印度进口雏鸟 然后
We have to get them from India, when they’re just baby chicks, and then…
This one won’t be a chick, will he?
当然不是 这只是成年的八哥鸟
Certainly not. Oh, no, certainly not. This will be a full-grown mynah bird. Full-grown.
-它会说话 -它当然会
And he’ll talk? Well, yes, of course he’ll…
不 你得教它说话
Well, no, you’ll have to teach him to talk.
我最好再打通电♥话♥ 他们说三点会到
I guess maybe I’d better phone. They said 3:00.
可能是塞车吧 我联络看看
Maybe it’s the traffic. I’ll call.
-你能稍等一下吗 -还是把鸟送到我家吧
Would you mind waiting? Well, maybe you’d better deliver him.
Let me give you my address.
Oh, well, all right,
but I’m sure they’re on the way.
Would you mind if I called?
No. All right.
-请你帮个忙 -什么
I wonder if you could help me. What?
I said, I wonder if you could help me.
-是 你想找什么 先生 -爱情鸟
Yes. What is it you’re looking for, sir? Lovebirds.
Lovebirds, sir?
是 我听说那有分很多种类
Yes. I understand there are different varieties.
-是真的吗 -真的
Is that true? Well, yes, there are.
Well, these are for my sister for her birthday, you see,
她才11岁 所以我不想买♥♥一对
and as she’s only gonna be 11, I wouldn’t want a pair of birds
that were too demonstrative.
I understand completely.
At the same time, I wouldn’t want them to be too aloof, either.
No, of course not.
Do you happen to have a pair of birds that are just friendly?
应该有 我找找看
Oh, I think so. Now, then, let me see.
Aren’t those lovebirds?
不 那些是红鸟
No. Those are red birds.
I thought they were strawberry finches.
对 我们也这样称呼它们
Yes. We call them that, too.
找到了 爱情鸟
Here we are. Lovebirds.
Those are canaries.
Doesn’t this make you feel awful?
Doesn’t what make me feel…
把这些可怜无辜的小东西 关在笼子里
Having all these poor, little innocent creatures caged up like this?
我们总不能 让它们在店里飞来飞去吧
Well, we can’t just let them fly around the shop, you know.
No, I suppose not.
有什么鸟类学上的原因 必须把它们隔开吗
Is there an ornithological reason for keeping them in separate cages?
有 为了保护品种
Well, certainly. It’s to protect the species.
对 那很重要 尤其是在换毛期的时候
Yes, that’s important, especially during the molting season.
That’s a particularly dangerous time.
-它们正在换毛吗 -一部分是
Are they molting now? Oh, some of them are.
How can you tell?
Well, they get a sort of hangdog expression.
我知道了 那爱情鸟呢
Yes, I see. Well, what about the lovebirds?
Are you sure you wouldn’t like to see a canary instead?
We have some very nice canaries this week.
All right.
好 我能看看吗
All right. May I see it, please?
Oh, what is it? Oh!
There we are.
-好险 -太好了
– Oh, there. – Wonderful.
回你的金牢笼吧 梅兰妮丹尼尔斯
Back in your gilded cage, Melanie Daniels.
What did you say?
我只是在打比喻 丹尼尔斯小姐
I was merely drawing a parallel, Miss Daniels.
-你怎么知道我的名字 -小鸟告诉我的
How did you know my name? A little birdie told me.
再见 丹尼尔斯小姐 女士
Good day, Miss Daniels. Madam.
慢着 我不认识你
Hey, wait a minute. I don’t know you.
-但我认识你 -怎么说
Ah, but I know you. How?
-我们在法庭上见过 -我们未曾在法庭上见过
We met in court. We never met in court or anyplace else.
没错 我换个说法 我在法庭看过你
That’s true. I’ll rephrase it. I saw you in court.
Don’t you remember one of your practical jokes
that resulted in the smashing of a plate-glass window?
-我没有打破窗户 -但是你恶作剧害的
I didn’t break that window. Yes, but your little prank did.
-法官真该把你关进大牢 -你是谁 警♥察♥吗
The judge should’ve put you behind bars. What are you, a policeman?
我不太相信法律 丹尼尔斯小姐 我也不太喜欢恶作剧
I merely believe in the law, Miss Daniels. And I’m not too keen on practical jokers.
-那你的爱情鸟故事 -我是真的想买♥♥爱情鸟
What do you call your lovebird story if not… Oh, I really wanted the lovebirds.
你明知道我不是店员 你故意
Well, you knew I didn’t work here. You deliberately…
对 我一进门就认出你了
Right. I recognized you when I came in.
我只是想让你知道 当被整的一方是什么感受
I just thought you might like to know what it’s like to be on the other end of a gag.
-你有什么感想 -我认为你是个坏蛋
What do you think of that? I think you’re a louse.
我是 再见 丹尼尔斯小姐 女士
I am. Good day, Miss Daniels. Madam.
And I’m glad you didn’t get your lovebirds.
我会去别的地方买♥♥ 法庭上见了
Oh, I’ll find something else. See you in court.
-那个人是谁 -我不知道
Who was that man? I have no idea.
他们说 八哥鸟今天下午就会送到
They said the mynah bird would be here later this afternoon,
if you care to come back.
不 送到我家吧
No, you’d better send him.
-能借用电♥话♥吗 -请便
May I use this phone? Why, certainly.
《每日新闻报》 我是 梅兰妮丹尼尔斯 请转地方新闻部
Daily News? It’s Melanie Daniels. Could you get me the City Desk, please?
请留步 麦克古德太太
Just a minute, Mrs. MacGruder.
你好 查理 我是梅兰妮
Hello, Charlie. Melanie.
I want you to do a favor for me.
不 只是个小忙
No, this is a small one.
给你压力 亲爱的查理 我怎么会给你压力
Pressure you? Why, Charlie, darling, would I try to pressure you?
Would you call the Department of Motor Vehicles for me?
Find out who owns this license plate,
对 加州车牌
Yes, a California plate.
不 我等会就过去 爸爸在办公室吗
No. I’ll stop off in a little while. Is Daddy in his office?
不 我不想打断会议 告诉他我晚点去找他
No, I don’t want to break in on a meeting. Tell him I’ll see him later.
谢谢你 查理
Thank you, Charlie.
Do you have any lovebirds?
不 店里没有 但我可以替你订购
Well, no, not in the shop, but I can order them for you.
-多快会到 -你什么时候要
How soon? Well, when would you want them?
Well, I could probably have them here by tomorrow morning.
-那样可以吗 -当然可以
Would that be all right? That would be just fine.
-小姐 这是要给米契班纳的 -对
Miss, is that for Mitch Brenner? Yes.
-他不在家 -没关系
He’s not home. That’s all right.
如果你要送小鸟给他 他要周一才会回来
He won’t be back until Monday, I mean, if those birds are for him.
-周一 -是
– Monday? – Yes.
I don’t think you should leave them in the hall, do you?
那 他去哪了
Well… Where did he go?
博德加湾 他每个周末都会去那里
Bodega Bay. He goes there every weekend.
Bodega Bay. Where’s that?
Up the coast, about 60 miles north of here.
走高速公路约一个半小时的车程 走海岸公路则要两小时
It’s an hour and a half by freeway, or two hours if you take the Coast Highway. Oh.
我愿意照顾小鸟 但我也要出远门
I’d look after them myself, but I’m going away, too.
I’m awfully sorry.
-早安 -早安
– Good morning. – Good morning.
-我想请你帮个忙 -我尽量
I wonder if you could help me. I’ll try my best.
I’m looking for a man named Mitchell Brenner.
-你认识他吗 -认识
– Do you know him? – Yeah.
-他住在哪里 -博德加湾
– Where does he live? – Right here, Bodega Bay.
-博德加湾的哪里 -海湾对面
Yes, I know, but where? Right across the bay there.