[1] 凤凰台:位于金陵城东南的凤凰山上。相传南朝刘宋永嘉时期,有凤凰集于这座山上,于是朝廷筑造楼台,并将山和台都命名为凤凰。凤凰,在古代是一种代表祥瑞的动物,如果凤凰出现就意味着国家昌盛、君主贤明。唐代武则天时期有年号为“仪凤”,即“有凤来仪”的意思,就是因为当年有个地方官上奏说凤凰出现,武则天以为是因为自己的国家昌盛凤凰才出现的,于是改年号为“仪凤”以示纪念。
[2] 吴宫:这里指三国时期吴国的宫殿。
[3] 晋代;这里专指东晋,因为东晋和三国时吴均定都金陵。
[4] 三山:位于金陵城西南长江边。南宋陆游《入蜀记》载:“三山,自石头及凤凰山望之,杳杳有无中耳。及过其下,距金陵才五十余里。”
[5] 白鹭洲:位于金陵城西长江中,将长江分为两道。
[6] 浮云能蔽日:这里浮云蔽日是指皇帝受到奸臣的蒙蔽,不能明辨贤臣的状况。汉陆贾《新语·慎微篇》:“邪臣之蔽贤,犹浮云之蔽日月也。”
The Phoenix Terrace at Jinling
Li Bai
On Phoenix Terrace once phoenixes came to sing;
The birds are gone but still roll on the river’s waves.
The ruined palace’s buried under weeds in spring;
The ancient sages in caps and gowns all lie in graves.
The three-peaked mountain is half lost in azure sky;
The two-forked stream by Egret lsle is kept apart.
As floating clouds can veil the bright sun from the eye,
Imperial Court now out of view saddens my heart.
The disgraced poet visits Phoenix Terrace and compares himself to a phoenix and the emperor to the bright sun veiled by floating clouds.
The poem “The Phoenix Terrace at Jinling” is a poem written by Li Bai, a great poet of the Tang Dynasty, when he climbed the Phoenix Terrace in Jinling. It is a poem of eight lines and fifty-six characters, in which the poet sings and sighs with what he saw and felt while climbing the Phoenix Terrace, combining the historical changes of the past with the long and evanescent legends and stories, and expressing his deep historical sorrow and sober realistic thoughts. This poem has a high rhythm and a distant tone, reflecting Li Bai’s artistic characteristic of taking over people with his poetry.