Du Fu Poem: The Poet Song Yu’s Abode (Ⅱ) – 杜甫《咏怀古迹五首(其二)》












[1] “摇落”句:宋玉,战国时期楚辞作家,传说是屈原的学生。他的著名作品有《九辩》《高唐赋》和《神女赋》。《九辩》中的“悲哉,秋之为气也,萧瑟兮草木摇落而变衰”一语,被称为“千古悲秋之主”。

[2] 风流儒雅:出自南北朝时期庾信的《枯树赋》,用来形容东晋名士殷仲文的人格高远。

[3] 江山故宅:宋玉宅在归州和荆州各有一处,这里是指归州的宋玉宅。归州在三峡内,所以将宋玉宅说成江山故宅。

[4] “云雨”句:宋玉《高唐赋》中有这样一个故事,楚怀王在高唐梦到巫山神女,并与之欢会,“旦为朝云,暮为行雨”,所以后代用“云雨”来代指楚怀王与巫山神女欢会一事。学者认为宋玉的这篇赋是为了劝戒楚帝王不要沉迷女色,唤醒他重新关心国事。

The Poet Song Yu’s Abode (Ⅱ)

Du Fu

When leaves shiver and fall, I see the poet drear;

Gallant and elegant, he is my master dear.

Looking back a thousand springs, can I not shed tears?

Desolate for long, we are not of the same years.

His autumn song’s left in his old home by the stream.

Did clouds bring showers for flowers in the king’s dream?

Even the royal palace falls now in decay,

The boatman points to the ruins in doubt today.

Song Yu (298—265 BC) was famous for his Ode to Autumn (when leaves shiver and fall) and his Goddess of Mount Witch (who brings showers for thirsting flowers).


The poem “The Poet Song Yu’s Abode (Ⅱ)” was written by the great poet Du Fu in the year 766 of the first year of the Dali reign of the Tang Dynasty in Kui Prefecture (the present-day Fengjie, Chongqing). The five poems are about the monuments left behind by Yu Xin, Song Yu, Wang Zhaojun, Liu Bei, and Zhuge Liang in the Three Gorges area of the Yangtze River, and they praise the writings and knowledge, character and virtue, and great achievements of the five historical figures. The poem is a poem of deep sympathy for the unfulfilled ambitions of his life. The poem’s language is concise, its atmosphere is strong and its meaning is profound.
