

  1. A travesty of justice: 正义的嘲弄
  2. A comedic travesty: 滑稽的讽刺
  3. A political travesty: 政治的讽刺
  4. A cultural travesty: 文化的嘲弄
  5. A legal travesty: 法律的讽刺
  6. A historical travesty: 历史的讽刺
  7. A literary travesty: 文学的讽刺
  8. A moral travesty: 道德的讽刺
  9. A travesty of democracy: 民主的嘲弄
  10. A social travesty: 社会的讽刺
  11. A tragic travesty: 悲剧性的讽刺
  12. A government travesty: 政府的讽刺
  13. A farcical travesty: 闹剧般的讽刺
  14. A musical travesty: 音乐的讽刺
  15. A theatrical travesty: 戏剧的讽刺
  16. A religious travesty: 宗教的讽刺
  17. A scientific travesty: 科学的讽刺
  18. A journalistic travesty: 新闻的讽刺
  19. A personal travesty: 个人的讽刺
  20. A moral travesty of justice: 正义的道德嘲弄
  21. A travesty of truth: 真相的讽刺
  22. A travesty of art: 艺术的讽刺
  23. A travesty of literature: 文学的讽刺
  24. A travesty of comedy: 喜剧的讽刺
  25. A travesty of humanity: 人性的讽刺
  26. A travesty of logic: 逻辑的讽刺
  27. A travesty of education: 教育的讽刺
  28. A travesty of fairness: 公平的讽刺
  29. A travesty of decency: 品德的讽刺
  30. A travesty of leadership: 领导力的讽刺
  31. A travesty of ethics: 伦理的讽刺
  32. A travesty of journalism: 新闻界的讽刺
  33. A travesty of progress: 进步的讽刺
  34. A travesty of humanity’s potential: 人类潜力的讽刺
  35. A travesty of sportsmanship: 体育精神的讽刺
  36. A travesty of cultural heritage: 文化遗产的讽刺
  37. A travesty of public service: 公共服务的讽刺
  38. A travesty of environmental stewardship: 环境管理的讽刺
  39. A travesty of human rights: 人权的讽刺
  40. A travesty of economic policy: 经济政策的讽刺
  41. A travesty of scientific research: 科学研究的讽刺
  42. A travesty of healthcare: 医疗保健的讽刺
  43. A travesty of democracy and freedom: 民主和自由的讽刺
  44. A travesty of social justice: 社会公正的讽刺
  45. A travesty of equality: 平等的讽刺
  46. A travesty of human dignity: 人类尊严的讽刺
  47. A travesty of integrity: 正直的讽刺
  48. A travesty of national security: 国家安全的讽刺
  49. A travesty of cultural diversity: 文化多样性的讽刺
  50. A travesty of personal responsibility: 个人责任的讽刺



travesty (TRAV ess tee) This noun originally meant “an exaggerated imi-tation of something, usually of a literary work.” It has come to mean any “grotesque parody”of something or a disastrous mockery. It comes from the French word for “disguise” or “parody.”

•“Allowing the murderer to go free is a travesty of justice,” said the lawyer. “It is a gross misinterpretation of the law.”

•The soccer game was a travesty; the Boston team, usually far superior to their opponents, was careless, clumsy, and thoughtless. It’s no wonder they lost by two goals.
——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》

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滑稽(TRAV ess tee)这个名词最初的意思是“对某事的夸张模仿,通常是对文学作品的模仿”。现在它的意思是对某事的任何“怪诞的滑稽模仿”或灾难性的嘲讽。它来自法语单词“伪装”或“戏仿”

一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
