这是导航台 我在这里操控所有电器和通讯设备
And here is the nav table where I control all the electrics and communication.
我的床铺 我在这儿睡觉
Uh, my berth, where I’ll sleep.
Uh, and this is where all my food is.
For example…
天呐 冻干西兰花
Oh, my God, freeze-dried broccoli.
(巧克力 吃过西兰花才能吃 )
干得漂亮 爸爸
Nice one, Dad.
So I’ll be sailing unassisted and nonstop.
如果停靠港口 就会被取消资格
So if I pull into port, I’m disqualified.
我必须航行穿过所有经线 绕过全部四个海岬
And I have to cross all lines of longitude and round all four capes
for it to count as a true circumnavigation.
Here’s what I’ll be doing.
Okay, here’s Sydney.
往东北走 越过赤道
Going northeast, up past the equator,
然后南下 绕过智利南端的合恩角
then back down south to round Cape Horn at the tip of Chile,
继而横渡大西洋 前往南非的好望角
then across the Atlantic Ocean to the Cape of Good Hope in South Africa,
接着穿过印度洋 到澳洲西部的露纹角
then over the Indian Ocean to Cape Leeuwin in Western Australia,
then down around the South East Cape in Tasmania,
and back up to Sydney Harbor.
所以 其实不算太难啦
So not so much really.
Come on!
好了 这是开船用的舵柄
All right, so this is the tiller to steer,
but it’s on autopilot at the moment.
Uh, the lifeboat is under here,
and in here is the drogue.
它类似于船锚 不过是软的
It’s like a soft anchor.
It slows the boat down during storms and keeps it stable.
Here’s my shower,
although I have discovered that I left my hairbrush at home.
所以接下来的200天 只好用这个代替
So I’ll just have to use this for 200 days.
At least the backyard makes up for it, though.
饿了吗 科比
Hungry, Kobi?
-杰丝 -嘿
-Jess. -Hey.
船舶侦测警报运作正常 有一艘船刚从我的西北边驶过
Uh, ship detection alarms work. Uh, one just went past northwest of me.
好的 在这之后的很长一段时间 你都不会再看到其他船只
Good to know. Well, that’ll be the last ship you see for a while now.
How do you know?
听着 你要从那次撞船中 吸取教训 好吗
Listen, let that crash be a lesson to you, eh?
You know how to handle it now.
-你会觉得孤单吗 -有时候会
-Did you ever get lonely? -Oh, sometimes.
-但我知道该怎么克服 -怎么克服
-But I know how to get over it. -How?
唱歌♥ 你会唱歌♥
-Sing? You– You sang?
我们是水手 当然要唱歌♥
We’re sailors. That’s what we’re supposed to do.
去睡会儿吧 好吗
Try to get some sleep, eh?
你只是在航程第一周有点紧张罢了 喔 有鱼上钩了
You’ve just got the first-week jitters, that’s all. Oh! Fish are calling.
-我得先挂了 -好
-Gotta go. -Okay.
Come on.
Oh, bugger!
(第12天 太平洋水域 临近斐济)
…the local girl who is now attracting national attention.
杰西卡沃森一家 曾驾驶特制的双层巴士周游澳洲
Jessica Watson’s family traveled Australia in a purpose-built double-decker bus
后来在杰西卡九岁时 搬到了船上居住
before moving onto a boat when Jessica was nine.
如今 七年后 杰西卡即将跨越 人生中的第一个重要里程碑
the first major milestone in her attempt to be the youngest person… Now, seven years later, Jessica is about to cross
挑战单人环球航海 成为完成此举的最年轻人士
…to sail solo around the world. There we go.
谢谢你 苏西 真正的危险在印度洋和南冰洋海域
Thanks, Susie. The real danger, of course, will be the Indian and Southern Oceans, where dozens of sailors,
在那里 数十位比杰西卡沃森 更为经验丰富的水手
who are far more experienced than young Jessica Watson,
have endured knockdown after knockdown.
Didn’t need to hear that.
尝试环球航行的独自航海人 要忍♥受数月的…
-Solo sailors looking to circumnavigate the globe endure many months…
Okay, so crossing the equator is a big deal for sailors.
You’ve proven your seaworthiness and must be initiated
into the Fraternity of Mariners.
好的 那么…
Okay, so…
赤道以南 20米 15米 十 五 零
South, twenty, fifteen, ten, five, zero!
We crossed from the Southern Hemisphere into the Northern Hemisphere!
好的 作为我的入团仪式…
Okay, for the initiation ceremony…
Quite refreshing, actually.
A toast to King Neptune!
(第33天 赤道 离家7010公里)
-敬杰西 -杰西 干杯
-To Jess. -To Jess! Cheers!
真不敢相信 她已经穿越了赤道 太酷了
I can’t believe she’s crossed the equator. So cool.
(澳洲 北美洲-南美洲)
红色晚霞 水手欢喜 红色朝霞 水手警醒
Red sky at night, sailor’s delight. Red sky in the morning, sailor’s warning.
See the forecast?
嗯 天象已经说明了一切
Yeah, sky says it all.
对 杰丝 这会是一场大风暴 我们来商量对策吧
Yeah. Jess, this is gonna be a big one. Let’s talk game, eh?
I’ll change course.
我的建议是抛出浮锚 抗过去
I think you should launch the drogue. Weather it.
Go through the storm?
风暴的移♥动♥速度很快 你不可能绕过去的
Well, it’s moving fast. There’s no way you’re gonna outrun it.
-但只要抗住 它很快就过去了 -谢天谢地
But that also means it’s gonna pass quickly. -Thank God.
慢着 我们说好了安全至上的
-W– Hang on, hang on. We agreed to do whatever’s safest.
风暴在这个区域并不常见 爸爸 很难判断的
Storms in this region aren’t common, Dad. It’s hard to judge.
It’s like an anchor.
会帮助她保持稳定 她不会有事的
The drogue will keep her stable. She’ll be okay.
我认为这是最好的选择 杰丝 你决定吧
I think it’s our best option, Jess. It’s your call.
-Talk to me.
操作流程 对 我们分解研究一下
Protocols. Yeah, let’s break it down.
我不知道 我不喜欢这计划
I don’t know. I don’t– I don’t like this.
不管你怎么想 本是专业的 杰丝也是
Ben knows his stuff, whatever you think of him. What’s more, so does Jess.
-You know the drill.
来吧 浮锚
Come on, drogue!
我有话跟你们说 我想独自驾船环球航行
I have something to tell you. I want to circumnavigate the world solo.
And I’m gonna be the youngest person to do it.
Uh, Jess…
杰西马丁17岁就做到了 他是个跟我一样的普通小孩
Jesse Martin did it when he was 17. He was an ordinary kid, so am I.
Don’t worry, I’ve got a plan.
我要找个老师 拿到资格证
I’ll get a teacher, qualifications.
这上面列出了所有我需要做的事 还有一开始要上的安全课
Here’s a list of all the things I’ll need and the safety courses I’ll do to start.
我会通过打工挣钱和拉赞助 来支付重大开销
I’ll get jobs to earn money, and find sponsors to cover the big costs,
每航海一个小时 我都会相应地做一小时阅读
and for every hour I sail, I’ll still do an hour of reading.
-Now, that’s a good amount of reading!
-她很了解自己的听众 -是啊
-She knows her audience. -Yeah.
Well, uh, you’d better start working through that list, then. Thoroughly.
只要你下定决心的事 一定能办到
I think you can do anything you set your mind to, honey.
杰丝 你没事吧
-Jess! You okay?
-我没事 -出什么事了 你怎么没来电♥话♥
-Yeah, I’m fine. -What happened? Why didn’t you call?
我被东西砸晕了 但我没事
Well, I got knocked out, but I’m fine.
-什么 -砸晕了 你还好吗
-What? -Knocked out? Are you okay?
-有脑震荡吗 -帅啊
-Do you have a concussion? -Sick.
-你需要医生 -船上没有
-You need a doctor! -Oh, I didn’t pack one of those.
杰丝 听完说
Hey, come on. Jess, listen to me.
你觉得头痛 耳鸣 恶心吗
Do you have a headache, ringing in the ears, or nausea or something?
爸爸 别大惊小怪了 我没事
Dad, please stop. I’m fine.
Is Ben there?
How’s Pink?
Yeah, she’s all right.
You weren’t strapped in, were you?
-我当时正准备系呢 -你应该更早系好
-I was getting there. -Well, you should’ve already been there.
大自然从来不等人 你知道的
Mother Nature doesn’t wait for anyone. You know that, Jess.
-那可是风暴啊 -不管是什么
It was a storm. It doesn’t matter.
你都得处理好 这次能平安度过是你运气好
You have to manage it. You’re just lucky you got through this one.
真是太疯狂了 我原本还打算绕过去的
It was so wild, Ben. I thought we were gonna go all the way around.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
(第50天 南美洲近海岸)
本出来了 快来
Oh, it’s Ben. Let’s go.
我们听说杰丝经历了第一场风暴 有任何损伤吗
Ben! We just had word Jess went through her first storm. Any injuries or damage?
我们不会回答任何问题 但杰丝建了一个博客 这是地址
We aren’t taking any questions, but Jess has a blog at this address.