

  1. Veneration for tradition: 尊崇传统
  2. Veneration of ancestors: 尊敬祖先
  3. Veneration of elders: 尊重长辈
  4. Veneration of heroes: 崇拜英雄
  5. Veneration of religious figures: 尊崇宗教人物
  6. Veneration of cultural heritage: 尊重文化遗产
  7. Veneration of authority: 尊重权威
  8. Veneration of the past: 敬仰过去
  9. Veneration for wisdom: 尊崇智慧
  10. Veneration of saints: 尊崇圣人
  11. Veneration of icons: 崇拜偶像
  12. Veneration of national symbols: 尊重国家象征
  13. Veneration of nature: 崇敬自然
  14. Veneration of great leaders: 尊崇伟大领袖
  15. Veneration of cultural icons: 尊崇文化偶像
  16. Veneration of sacred places: 尊崇圣地
  17. Veneration of historical figures: 尊崇历史人物
  18. Veneration of wisdom traditions: 尊崇智慧传统
  19. Veneration of intellectual pursuits: 尊崇知识追求
  20. Veneration of artistic excellence: 尊崇艺术卓越
  21. Veneration of philosophical teachings: 尊崇哲学教义
  22. Veneration of spiritual leaders: 尊崇精神领袖
  23. Veneration of cultural achievements: 尊崇文化成就
  24. Veneration of moral principles: 尊崇道德原则
  25. Veneration of historical artifacts: 尊崇历史文物
  26. Veneration of religious relics: 尊崇宗教圣物
  27. Veneration of ancient wisdom: 尊崇古代智慧
  28. Veneration of educational institutions: 尊重教育机构
  29. Veneration of great minds: 崇敬伟大思想家
  30. Veneration of cultural luminaries: 尊崇文化名人
  31. Veneration of human rights: 尊重人权
  32. Veneration of artistic masters: 崇拜艺术大师
  33. Veneration of noble virtues: 尊崇高尚美德
  34. Veneration of historical documents: 尊崇历史文件
  35. Veneration of social heroes: 尊崇社会英雄
  36. Veneration of ethical principles: 尊崇伦理原则
  37. Veneration of cultural diversity: 尊重文化多样性
  38. Veneration of spiritual traditions: 尊崇精神传统
  39. Veneration of literary classics: 崇拜文学经典
  40. Veneration of scientific discoveries: 尊崇科学发现
  41. Veneration of national heroes: 尊崇民族英雄
  42. Veneration of peace advocates: 尊崇和平倡导者
  43. Veneration of humanitarians: 尊崇人道主义者
  44. Veneration of cultural pioneers: 尊崇文化先驱
  45. Veneration of intellectual giants: 尊崇智慧巨人
  46. Veneration of human potential: 尊崇人类潜力
  47. Veneration of historical landmarks: 尊崇历史地标
  48. Veneration of cultural rituals: 尊崇文化仪式
  49. Veneration of iconic figures: 崇拜标志性人物
  50. Veneration of the divine: 尊崇神圣



veneration (ven ur RAY shun) Suggesting a bit more feeling than friendship, this noun connotes “respect or reverence.” It’s usually used to describe feel-ings for someone older or more experienced. The verb form is “to venerate.”

•The students at Pencey Prep venerated the headmaster not only for his intellect but for his warmth and generosity. They felt he created an inspiring atmosphere for learning.

•The patriarch basked in the veneration of his family and friends.
——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》

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崇敬(ven-ur RAY shun)这个名词表示比友谊多一点的感觉,它意味着“尊敬或尊敬”。它通常用于描述对年长或更有经验的人的感觉。动词形式是“尊敬”
•Pencey Prep的学生不仅因为校长的才智,而且因为校长的热情和慷慨而尊敬他。他们觉得他为学习创造了鼓舞人心的氛围。

一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
