
vex 英 [veks] 美 [veks]



[verb] make (someone) feel annoyed, frustrated, or worried, especially with trivial matters
[动词] 使(某人)感到恼火、沮丧或担忧,特别是在琐碎的事情上


Vex 是一个与熟词 sex 以及小站年初推送过的 apex 有着相同结尾的单词。

该词源自拉丁语 vexare (猛烈地摇晃、颠簸、抛掷),15世纪初经古法语 vexer (惹恼、骚扰)进入英语后也是用来表示“使恼火、烦恼、忧虑”,常作正式用语使用,多指在琐碎的事情上使某人感到恼火、沮丧或担忧,常意味着一定程度的愤怒,但有时也意味着深深的困惑或焦虑,比如:

  • 一想到别人在背后说我闲话,我就很恼火。于是我精心策划了一个错综复杂的方案来报复他们。
    It vexed me to think of others gossiping behind my back. So I contrived an intricate plan to get back at them.


And when I returned, sometimes a good deal tired, and not a little weather-beaten, I never dared complain, because I saw that to murmur would be to vex him: on all occasions fortitude pleased him; the reverse was a special annoyance.

出自英国女作家夏洛蒂·勃朗特(Charlotte Brontë)创作的具有自传色彩的长篇小说《简·爱》(Jane Eyre)。


  • For centuries it vexed medieval miners by looking like a valuable ore that subsequently turned into worthless—and sometimes noxious—rubble
  • But the question that remains has vexed presidents and lawmakers from both parties for decades.


  1. vexing problem: 令人困扰的问题
  2. vexing situation: 令人烦恼的情况
  3. vexing behavior: 令人烦恼的行为
  4. vexing question: 令人困惑的问题
  5. vexing dilemma: 令人烦恼的困境
  6. vexing issue: 令人困扰的议题
  7. vexing task: 令人烦恼的任务
  8. vexing decision: 令人犯难的决定
  9. vexing circumstances: 令人困扰的情形
  10. vexing thought: 令人苦恼的想法
  11. vexing comment: 令人烦恼的评论
  12. vexing situation: 令人困扰的局面
  13. vexing behavior: 令人烦恼的举止
  14. vexing noise: 令人烦躁的噪音
  15. vexing delay: 令人烦恼的延迟
  16. vexing mistake: 令人困扰的错误
  17. vexing challenge: 令人烦恼的挑战
  18. vexing remark: 令人烦恼的言论
  19. vexing situation: 令人头疼的情况
  20. vexing problem: 令人恼火的问题
  21. vexing argument: 令人烦恼的争论
  22. vexing behavior: 令人恼怒的行为
  23. vexing criticism: 令人烦躁的批评
  24. vexing decision: 令人苦恼的决策
  25. vexing dilemma: 令人犯难的困境
  26. vexing task: 令人费解的任务
  27. vexing annoyance: 令人恼火的烦恼
  28. vexing confusion: 令人困惑的混乱
  29. vexing disappointment: 令人失望的烦恼
  30. vexing uncertainty: 令人困扰的不确定性
  31. vexing inconvenience: 令人烦恼的不便
  32. vexing frustration: 令人沮丧的烦恼
  33. vexing interruption: 令人厌烦的打扰
  34. vexing complication: 令人烦恼的复杂情况
  35. vexing setback: 令人烦恼的挫折
  36. vexing argument: 令人恼火的争吵


vex (rhymes with flex) To annoy or perplex. It’s more often used for small matters than serious concerns. (Would you be vexed if someone hexed you with a variety of pox?)

  • The noise of the dripping faucet was a vexation to Will as he tried to finish the daily crossword puzzle.
  • Will was vexed by the clue for six down. He felt sure he knew a unit of Indian currency beginning with “R” but he just couldn’t remember it.

——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》

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aggravate: annoy or exasperate (someone), especially persistently
annoy: irritate (someone); make (someone) a little angry
infuriate: make (someone) extremely angry and impatient

一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
