


  1. To vie for attention: 争夺注意力
  2. To vie for the title: 争夺冠军头衔
  3. To vie for supremacy: 争夺至高无上的地位
  4. To vie for power: 争夺权力
  5. To vie for dominance: 争夺主导地位
  6. To vie for the spotlight: 争夺舞台中心
  7. To vie for control: 争夺控制权
  8. To vie for resources: 争夺资源
  9. To vie for the top position: 争夺顶尖位置
  10. To vie for the lead role: 争夺主演角色
  11. To vie for the best grade: 争夺最好的成绩
  12. To vie for market share: 争夺市场份额
  13. To vie for customers: 争夺客户
  14. To vie for attention: 争夺注意力
  15. To vie for popularity: 争夺受欢迎程度
  16. To vie for the affection of someone: 争夺某人的爱慕
  17. To vie for the championship: 争夺冠军
  18. To vie for the highest bid: 争夺最高出价
  19. To vie for a promotion: 争夺晋升机会
  20. To vie for the best deal: 争夺最佳交易
  21. To vie for the gold medal: 争夺金牌
  22. To vie for recognition: 争夺认可
  23. To vie for the position of leader: 争夺领导地位
  24. To vie for the top spot: 争夺第一名
  25. To vie for the affection of the audience: 争夺观众的喜爱
  26. To vie for the role of protagonist: 争夺主角的角色
  27. To vie for public support: 争夺公众支持
  28. To vie for the best talent: 争夺最优秀的人才
  29. To vie for a chance: 争夺机会
  30. To vie for the approval of others: 争夺他人的认可
  31. To vie for the best position: 争夺最佳职位
  32. To vie for the affection of a romantic interest: 争夺某人的爱情兴趣
  33. To vie for the role of spokesperson: 争夺发言人的角色
  34. To vie for the presidency: 争夺总统职位
  35. To vie for the spotlight: 争夺聚光灯下的机会
  36. To vie for the best design: 争夺最佳设计
  37. To vie for the attention of the judges: 争夺评委的注意力
  38. To vie for the top award: 争夺最高奖项
  39. To vie for the starting position: 争夺首发位置
  40. To vie for the position of manager: 争夺经理职位
  41. To vie for the trophy: 争夺奖杯
  42. To vie for the top score: 争夺最高分数
  43. To vie for the best outcome: 争夺最佳结果
  44. To vie for the affection of a pet: 争夺宠物的喜爱
  45. To vie for the attention of the media: 争夺媒体的关注
  46. To vie for the top rank: 争夺最高排名
  47. To vie for the position of director: 争夺导演职位
  48. To vie for the best solution: 争夺最佳解决方案
  49. To vie for the admiration of others: 争夺他人的钦佩
  50. To vie for the highest salary: 争夺最高薪水


vie(rhymes with cry) A verb meaning compete, contend.

  • Many years the New York Yankees and the Boston Red Sox viefor the right to represent the American League in the World Series.
  • Tyrone and Brianna were vyingfor the title of “Master of Geographical Trivia,” but Brianna triumphed when she named Canberra as the capital of Australia.

——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》

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一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
