

  1. A voracious appetite: 狼吞虎咽的食欲
  2. A voracious reader: 贪婪的读者
  3. voracious consumption: 贪婪的消费
  4. voracious curiosity: 极度的好奇心
  5. A voracious collector: 狂热的收藏家
  6. voracious energy: 旺盛的精力
  7. voracious demand: 强大的需求
  8. voracious competition: 激烈的竞争
  9. voracious enthusiasm: 狂热的热情
  10. A voracious predator: 饥不择食的捕食者
  11. voracious ambition: 野心勃勃
  12. voracious speed: 飞快的速度
  13. voracious market: 庞大的市场
  14. voracious appetite for knowledge: 对知识的渴求
  15. voracious desire for success: 对成功的渴望
  16. A voracious consumer of information: 对信息的吞噬者
  17. voracious need for attention: 对关注的极度需要
  18. voracious expansion: 快速扩张
  19. voracious competition in the industry: 行业中的激烈竞争
  20. voracious appetite for adventure: 对冒险的渴望
  21. voracious hunger for power: 对权力的饥渴
  22. A voracious collector of art: 对艺术品的狂热收藏家
  23. voracious demand for new technology: 对新技术的强烈需求
  24. voracious exploration of new ideas: 对新思想的不断探索
  25. voracious pursuit of excellence: 对卓越的追求
  26. A voracious eater: 吃得很多的人
  27. voracious consumption of resources: 对资源的大量消耗
  28. voracious thirst for knowledge: 对知识的渴求
  29. voracious appetite for success: 对成功的渴望
  30. voracious appetite for adventure: 对冒险的渴望
  31. voracious appetite for learning: 对学习的渴望
  32. voracious appetite for experience: 对经验的渴望
  33. voracious pursuit of happiness: 对幸福的不懈追求
  34. voracious hunger for achievement: 对成就的渴望
  35. voracious reader of books: 爱读书的人
  36. voracious consumption of media: 对媒体的大量消费
  37. voracious demand for entertainment: 对娱乐的强烈需求
  38. voracious appetite for success: 对成功的渴望
  39. voracious consumer of music: 音乐的狂热消费者
  40. voracious appetite for adventure: 对冒险的渴望
  41. voracious appetite for knowledge: 对知识的渴求
  42. voracious consumer of fashion: 对时尚的狂热消费者
  43. voracious hunger for new experiences: 对新体验的渴望
  44. voracious appetite for travel: 对旅行的渴望
  45. voracious reader of news: 对新闻的狂热阅读者
  46. voracious appetite for exploration: 对探索的渴望
  47. voracious consumer of technology: 对科技的大量消费者
  48. voracious demand for innovation: 对创新的强烈需求
  49. voracious appetite for challenges: 对挑战的渴望
  50. voracious hunger for success: 对成功的饥渴



voracious (vor AYSH us) From the Latin word that means “to swallow or devour,” this adjective means “ravenous (see ‘Weighty Words’ section) or excessively hungry.” It can also be used more figuratively to connote excessively greedy or insatiably hungry for things other than food.

•A voracious reader, Jody read as many as two books a day.

•“I could eat a horse!” Frank announced, voracious after running the mara-thon. “I feel as if I haven’t eaten in a week.”
——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》

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贪婪的(vor AYSH us)这个形容词来自拉丁语,意为“吞食或吞食”,意思是“贪婪(参见“权重词”一节)或极度饥饿”。它也可以更形象地用来表示对食物以外的东西极度贪婪或贪得无厌。

一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
