[1] 少府:唐人称县令为明府,县尉为少府,与官署名之少府不同。杜少府,其人不详。
[2] 蜀川:一作蜀州,唐代州名,武则天垂拱年间始置之,治所在今四川省崇庆县。
[3] 城阙:指京城长安的城郭宫阙,泛指当时长安附近京畿之地,是送别的地方。
[4] 三秦:今陕西一带,本是秦国旧地,项羽灭秦后,分为雍、塞、翟三国,称为三秦。
[5] 五津:岷江的五个津渡。岷江自灌县到犍为一段有五个渡口,即白华津、万里津、江首津、涉头津、江南津,是杜少府即将赴任的地方,这里泛指蜀地。
[6] 宦游人:为仕宦而远游四方的人。
[7] 海内:四海之内。
[8] 比邻:近邻。古代五家相连为比。《周礼·地官·大司徒》:“令五家为比,使之相保。”唐制,四家为邻。
[9] 儿女:感情脆弱的孩子。《后汉书·来歙传》:“故呼巨卿,欲相属以军事,而反效儿女涕泣乎!”
Farewell to Prefect Du
Wang Bo
You’ll leave the town walled far and wide
For mist-veiled land by riverside.
I feel on parting sad and drear
For both of us are strangers here.
If you have friends who know your heart,
Distance cannot keep you apart.
At crossroads where we bid adieu,
Do not shed tears as women do!
The poet consoles his friend by saying that distance cannot keep bosom friends apart.
The poem “Sending Du Shaofu to Shuzhou” is a poem written by Wang Bo, a writer of the Tang Dynasty. The poem is intended to console friends not to be sad when they leave each other. The first couplet depicts the situation and appearance of the place of farewell and the place of departure of the friend, implying the sentiment of farewell, with a strict and neat counterpoint; the first couplet is a word of consolation, pointing out the inevitability of the farewell, with a loose tone, turning the real into the imaginary, and the literary mood is tumultuous; the neck couplet is a strange peak, highly summarizing the scene of “deep friendship, the rivers and mountains are hard to stop”, elevating the friendship to a higher The final couplet highlights the theme of “sending off” and continues to exhort and exhort friends, as well as revealing one’s own feelings. The poem is a classic of farewell poetry, with only forty words, but it is a longitudinal and varied poem, as if it contains countless gullies on a small canvas, with endless scenery, and is widely circulated today.