Bai Juyi Poem: White Cloud Fountain – 白居易《白云泉》








[1] 天平山:位于苏州城西二十里左右,因为山势高峻,峭拔入云,故又称白云山。此山后来在宋代时被赐给范仲淹及其后人。所以又称为赐山、范坟山。天平山有三绝,分别为怪石、清泉、红枫。白云亭和白云泉就在此山上。

[2] 白云泉:位于苏州城西天平山上,被称为“吴中第一水”。上天平山的路有三段,称为“三白而云”,下白云处有白云亭,亭侧就是白云泉。泉水清冽而晶莹,据说用白云泉水泡沏的茶水,香味四溢,远近闻名。

White Cloud Fountain

Bai Juyi

Behold the White Cloud Fountain on the sky-blue Mountain!

White clouds enjoy pleasure while water enjoys leisure.

Why should the torrent dash down from the mountain high

And overflow the human world with waves far and nigh?

This quatrain shows the poet’s love of freedom.


“White Cloud Fountain” is a poem by Bai Juyi, a poet of the Tang Dynasty. The poem depicts a landscape with bright and simple lines and full of vitality, expressing the poet’s desire to get rid of the world as soon as possible. The poem is plain and simple in style, adopting a symbolic approach to write the scene to imply ambition, using the freedom of clouds and water as a metaphor for a tranquil mind and an idle mood, and the natural waves stirred up by the spring to symbolize the social wind and waves.
