

  1. Wizened face: 枯萎的面容
  2. Wizened old man: 枯干的老人
  3. Wizened fingers: 枯瘦的手指
  4. Wizened appearance: 衰老的外貌
  5. Wizened tree: 枯槁的树木
  6. Wizened hands: 干瘪的手
  7. Wizened features: 枯瘦的面部特征
  8. Wizened body: 枯干的身体
  9. Wizened look: 衰老的神情
  10. Wizened skin: 皮肤干瘪
  11. Wizened figure: 枯槁的身影
  12. Wizened cheeks: 干瘪的脸颊
  13. Wizened appearance: 枯瘦的外表
  14. Wizened hands and feet: 枯干的手脚
  15. Wizened expression: 枯瘦的表情
  16. Wizened body shape: 干瘪的体态
  17. Wizened countenance: 枯瘦的面容
  18. Wizened frame: 枯瘦的身躯
  19. Wizened stature: 枯干的身材
  20. Wizened face with wrinkles: 皱纹纵横的面庞
  21. Wizened lips: 枯瘦的嘴唇
  22. Wizened hands with prominent veins: 众多青筋凸显的枯干手
  23. Wizened posture: 枯干的姿势
  24. Wizened appearance due to age: 年龄导致的枯干外貌
  25. Wizened body due to malnutrition: 营养不良导致的枯干身体
  26. Wizened face with sunken eyes: 眼窝深陷的枯干面庞
  27. Wizened features due to illness: 病痛导致的枯瘦面容
  28. Wizened hands with bony fingers: 骨瘦如柴的手指
  29. Wizened body as a result of aging: 年老导致的枯槁身躯
  30. Wizened expression reflecting a difficult life: 表情透露出艰难生活的枯槁
  31. Wizened face showing the effects of time: 时间带来的痕迹展现在枯干的脸上
  32. Wizened appearance indicating a long journey: 枯瘦的外表显示经历了漫长的旅程
  33. Wizened hands that have worked hard: 经过辛勤劳作的干瘪双手
  34. Wizened body with a stooped posture: 弯曲体态的枯槁身躯
  35. Wizened face with deep creases: 深深皱纹的枯干面容
  36. Wizened hands with calloused palms: 有茧的手掌的枯瘦手
  37. Wizened appearance reflecting a life of wisdom: 透露出智慧生活的枯干外表
  38. Wizened figure with a frail demeanor: 体态脆弱的枯瘦身影
  39. Wizened face with a serene expression: 宁静表情的枯干面庞
  40. Wizened body with a wiry strength: 具有强健的枯瘦身体
  41. Wizened hands with delicate fingers: 纤细手指的枯干手
  42. Wizened face with a weathered look: 经风霜之后的枯干面容
  43. Wizened hands with age spots: 年老斑点的枯瘦手
  44. Wizened body with a hunched back: 驼背的枯干身躯
  45. Wizened face with a gentle smile: 温和微笑的枯干面庞
  46. Wizened hands with arthritic joints: 关节炎的枯干手
  47. Wizened appearance indicating a life well-lived: 表明过上了充实生活的枯瘦外貌
  48. Wizened figure with a dignified presence: 体态庄重的枯槁身影
  49. Wizened face with silver hair: 银发枯干面容
  50. Wizened hands with a steady grip: 稳定握力的枯瘦手



wizened (WIZ end) This adjective means “dried up” or “withered.” You can describe things, such as a piece of fruit that is no longer fresh, as “wizened,” but it is most commonly used to describe a person who is wrinkled with age.

•In Coleridge’s famous poem, an ancient mariner, stooped and wizened with age, returns from the sea to tell the story of his experiences.

•Whenever Marguerite purchased inexpensive tulips from the grocery store down the street, they wizened almost as soon as she put them in a vase. Now she buys them from the florist. They cost more, but they last longer.
——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》

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一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
