





wool-gathering” 是一个短语,指的是心不在焉或走神的状态,意味着人们陷入了自己的思绪或想象中,而忽略了周围的事物或任务。这个短语源自旧时候人们处理羊毛时的动作,他们会坐下来拾取或整理羊毛,这个过程需要耗费一些时间和精力,同时也容易使人分散注意力。以下是关于 “wool-gathering” 的更详细用法和相关表达:

  1. In a state of wool-gathering: 处于心不在焉的状态。
    • Sorry, I missed what you said. I was in a state of wool-gathering. (抱歉,我没听清楚你说的话。我心不在焉。)
    • He often finds himself in a state of wool-gathering during meetings. (他在开会时经常发现自己心不在焉。)
  2. Lost in wool-gathering: 沉浸在自己的思绪中,忘记周围的事物。
    • She was lost in wool-gathering and missed her bus stop. (她陷入了自己的思绪中,错过了她的公交车站。)
    • Don’t be lost in wool-gathering, focus on the task at hand. (不要陷入自己的思绪中,专注于手头的任务。)
  3. Daydreaming: 白日梦,出神,空想。
    • He spent the entire class daydreaming instead of paying attention to the lesson. (他整节课都在做白日梦,没有专心听讲。)
    • She often catches herself daydreaming during work hours. (她经常发现自己在工作时间出神。)
  4. Absent-minded: 心不在焉的,健忘的。
    • He is so absent-minded that he often forgets where he put his keys. (他非常健忘,经常忘记自己把钥匙放在哪里了。)
    • The professor was absent-minded and forgot to bring his lecture notes to class. (教授心不在焉,忘记带讲义去上课。)
  5. Distracted: 分心的,注意力不集中的。
    • I couldn’t concentrate on my work because I was too distracted by the noise outside. (我无法专心工作,因为外面的噪音分散了我的注意力。)
    • The children were easily distracted by the colorful decorations in the room. (孩子们很容易被房间里的五颜六色的装饰品分散注意力。)

请注意,以上短语都是与 “wool-gathering” 相关的表达,用于描述人们的心理状态或行为,表示他们在思考、想象或分心而不是专注于当前的情境或任务。
