Xu Yuanjie Poem: On the Lake – 徐元杰《湖上》








[1] 徐元杰:公元1232年进士。这首诗写西湖之景,游人之情。情景交融,人与自然合一。红花绿草,黄莺白鹭,五彩缤纷;莺啼鹭鸣,箫鼓之声,不绝于耳。写出了南宋偏安江左时的声色之乐。

[2] 红树:指开满了红花的树。

[3] 平湖:风平浪静的湖面。

[4] 人意好:人的心情舒畅。

[5] 箫鼓:箫管和大鼓,泛指各种乐器。

On the Lake

Xu Yuanjie

Amid red blooming trees riotous orioles cry;

Over the tranquil grassy lake white egrets fly.

Cheerful sightseers enjoy the breezy sunny day;

At sunset music’s played in boats on homeward way.


“On the Lake” is a seven-line poem written by Xu Yuanjie, a poet of the Southern Song Dynasty. The first two lines depict the prosperous scenery of West Lake in spring: the flowers are like brocade, the clusters are like trees, the warblers are chirping, the grass is long on the shore, the lake is calm, and the egrets are flying, outlining a picture of West Lake in spring. In the last two lines, from the scenery to the people, the visitors swing their boats to enjoy themselves and indulge themselves in the scenery of the lake and the mountains, which brings out the prosperity of visiting the West Lake in the Southern Song Dynasty. This poem breaks the Song Dynasty’s characteristic of emphasizing the interest of reasoning but not the excitement, and creates a beautiful mood, using the techniques of atmosphere, coloring and contrast, all of which give people a beautiful enjoyment.
