I really thought that time would pass,and one day I’m ready to move on.我以为随着时间的流逝,终有一天我能向前看。 《吸血鬼日记第一季》
I really thought that time would pass,and one day I’m ready to move on.我以为随着时间的流逝,终有一天我能向前看。 《吸血鬼日记第一季》
Life’s too short not to live. 人生苦短,及时行乐。 《闪电侠第一季》
It’s a lonely path.Don’t make it any lonelier than it has to be. 这本来就是条孤独的道路,别再让自己陷入没必要的孤立中 《闪电侠第一季》
Some people,when they break,they can’t be put together again. Some people heal even stronger. 有些人一旦受伤了就再也无法复原 有些人却...
只是觉得每次胜利,我都失去了什么。 Just fells like everytime I win,I still lose. 《闪电侠第一季》
I don’t think that bolt of lighting struck you,Barry.I think it chose you. ——我不认为那道闪电击中了你,巴里。我认为它选择了你。 《闪电侠第一季》
Not every friendship is meant to a lifetime. What does last forever is the pain when that person is gone. 不是每一份友谊意味着一辈子。...
Whatever tragedy you think you’ve just averted,不管你认为自己避免了一个什么样的灾劫,time will find a way to replace it.时间总会找到办法替代此灾劫...
Instead,we tired to just adjust to our new circumstances.现实是,我们试图努力适应新环境。and cope with our losses.并且直面我们的损失。 Barry Allen...
left scars on all of us,some more than ohers.给所有人留下伤痛,有人伤的更痛。And so to try and keep my mind off thoughts of the surreal ...