《哥谭 第一季》台词中英文:笑声是最具有感染性的了
There’s nothing more contagious than laughter. 笑声是最具有感染性的了。 《哥谭第一季》
There’s nothing more contagious than laughter. 笑声是最具有感染性的了。 《哥谭第一季》
What’s the secret to good comedy? Timing. And what’s courage? Grace under pressure. And who’s the boss...
We all could go insane with just one bad day 只要有一天不顺,谁都可能被逼疯 《哥谭第一季》
You can’t kill murder. You can’t get revenge on evil .You can only begin to fight such things by not doing t...
However dark and scary the world might be right now, there will be light. 不管世界现在有多黑暗,多可怕,终现光明。 《哥谭第一季》
I don’t care what I leave behind, as long as we leave it together. 我不在乎抛下什么,只要我们能在一起。 《哥谭第一季》
你们都是囚徒 you`re all Prisoner 你们所谓的正常 what you call sanity 只是你脑海中的牢笼 让你看不清 it`s just a prison in your minds that stops you ...
I’m more than a man.I’m an idea. And I will live on in the shadows within Gotham’s discontent 我不止是个人,我...
The day I lost her was the saddest of my life 失去她的那天是我人生中最悲伤的一天 The only things that got me through,that kept my sane 唯一...
I can start a war or end one. 我可以或终结战争。 I can give you the strength of heroes or leave you powerless. 我可以给你力量,让你成为英雄,也可以...