Come for the breasts, stay for brains. 勾人靠胸,留人靠脑。——#生活大爆炸# 外表决定我想不想了解你的内在~
Come for the breasts, stay for brains. 勾人靠胸,留人靠脑。——#生活大爆炸# 外表决定我想不想了解你的内在~
Was it ever possible for us? Was there ever a time, ever a moment? 你爱过我吗?哪怕一瞬间?——#权利的游戏#
I’d rather be a happy schnook than a noble shlumpf. 我宁愿做一个快乐的傻子,也不愿意做一个高尚的蠢货。——#辛普森一家#
I don’t cry in front of other people. 我从不当着别人的面儿哭。——#马男波杰克#
These violent delights have violent ends. 狂暴的欢乐,必将招致狂暴的结局。——#西部世界#
Once you’ve accepted your flaws, no one can use them against you. 只要能够正视自己的弱点,就没人能利用它来对抗你。——#权利的游戏
I thought a girl’s best friend was someone just a little fatter than her. 我觉得女人最好的朋友,是比她稍稍胖一点的姑娘。——#破产姐妹#
Don’t ever let somebody tell you can’t do something. You got a dream, you gotta protect it. People can’...
Do things the easy way or the right way. 做事只分简单的方法和正确的方法。——#马男波杰克#
You can beg better than that. 你可以好好求求我。——#杀死比尔#