I don’t like people much. And they don’t much like me. 我不太喜欢跟人接触,人们也不太喜欢我。——#美丽心灵#
I don’t like people much. And they don’t much like me. 我不太喜欢跟人接触,人们也不太喜欢我。——#美丽心灵#
You’ll always be second best, see? 你也就是个手下败将,懂吗?——#变相怪杰#
I’ve known you for seven years, and I can barely tolerate sitting on the couch with you. 认识你七年了,我才勉强接受跟你坐在同一张沙发上。
There’s no place like home! 哪儿都没有家好!——#绿野仙踪#
I don’t really know what kind of girl I am. 我也不知道自己算是什么样的女孩。——#朱诺# http://mengqianxun.net/archives/49439/
– You need to react when people cry. 别人哭的时候你得有点反应啊。 – I did, I rolled my eyes. 我有啊,我翻了个白眼啊。 ——#破产姐妹#
We live in a world where privacy is gone. 我们的世界早就没有隐私了。——#南方公园#
It seems like life’s too short to hold grudges. 人生苦短,何必抱着怨念不放。——#马男波杰克#
See you in the next life. 来生再见。——#西部世界#
It is not our abilities that show what we truly are. It is out choices. 决定我们成为哪种人的并不是我们的能力,而是选择。——#哈利波特#