“Children begin by loving their parents; as they grow older they judge them; sometimes they forgive them.” ― Oscar Wilde...
“Children begin by loving their parents; as they grow older they judge them; sometimes they forgive them.” ― Oscar Wilde...
“The things you used to own, now they own you.” ― Chuck Palahniuk, Fight Club tags: own, things 机器翻译,仅供参考: “过去你拥有的东西,现在它...
“With enough courage, you can do without a reputation.” ― Margaret Mitchell tags: courage, reputation 机器翻译,仅供参考: “只要有足够的...
“A man’s face is his autobiography. A woman’s face is her work of fiction.” ― Oscar Wilde tags: gender-stere...
“Sex is part of nature. I go along with nature.” ― Marilyn Monroe 机器翻译,仅供参考: “性是自然的一部分。我与自然和谐相处。” ―玛丽莲梦露
“People tend to complicate their own lives, as if living weren’t already complicated enough.” ― Carlos Ruiz Zafón,...
“The earth laughs in flowers.” ― Ralph Waldo Emerson tags: flowers, laughter 机器翻译,仅供参考: 大地笑成花朵 ― 拉尔夫·沃尔多·爱默生
“Some things in life are out of your control. You can make it a party or a tragedy.” ― Nora Roberts, Vision in White 机器翻...
“I want everyone to meet you. You’re my favorite person of all time.” ― Rainbow Rowell, Eleanor & Park 机器翻译,仅...
“We dream to give ourselves hope. To stop dreaming – well, that’s like saying you can never change your fate.” ― A...