《老人言》 -古代名言英语翻译




According to the Buddha Speaks of the Infinite Life sutra of Adornment, Purity, Equality, and Enlightenment, there are five realms of transmigration in the world, which are the heaven’s, human’s, beast’s, hungry ghost’s and the hell’s. You must accept the results of your behavior all by yourself no matter they are good or bad. No one else can take place of you. Killing, theft, wantonness, arrogance and anger are five evil actions. If you do these things, you will get the bad results such as being put into prison, enduring the disasters and so on, which are too hard to endure just as your body is on fire. Those who dare to misbehave these evil deeds will experience the realms of hell, hungry ghosts and beast after he died. How deep the agony is!

(刘余莉、王雪娇 译)

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