词义: “surge” 是一个动词和名词,用来描述急剧而强烈的运动或增长。它表示一股迅猛的力量或情感的突然涌现或上升。
词源: “surge” 这个词源于中古英语中的 “surgien”,意为 “涌现、崛起”,进一步源自拉丁语的 “surgere”,意为 “升起、涌现”。
用法: “surge” 既可用作动词,表示迅速涌动或激增,也可用作名词,表示涌动或激增的过程或现象。以下是一些详细的用法和相关短语:
- 动词用法:
- The waves surged against the shore.(波浪冲击着海岸。)
- Emotions surged within her as she heard the news.(听到消息时,她内心涌动着情绪。)
- Violence surged in the city after the controversial decision.(有争议的决定后,城市里暴力行为激增。)
- 名词用法:
- The surge of adrenaline heightened his senses.(肾上腺素的激增增强了他的感觉。)
- The stock market experienced a surge in prices.(股市价格出现了激增。)
- There was a surge of support for the political candidate.(对该政治候选人的支持急剧增长。)
以下是一些与 “surge” 相关的常见短语:
- Surge forward: 猛增,蓬勃发展
- Surge of energy: 爆发的能量
- Surge of power: 力量的涌动
- Surge in demand: 需求的激增
- Surge of excitement: 兴奋的涌动
- Surge of emotion: 情感的激增
- Surge of adrenaline: 肾上腺素的激增