词义: “denounce” 是一个动词,意为谴责、公开指责或宣布某人或某事物为不道德、错误或违法。它通常表示对某人的行为或观点进行公开谴责或批评。
词源: “denounce” 这个词源于拉丁语中的 “denuntiare”,意为 “宣布、公开指责”。
用法: “denounce” 一词常用作动词,用于描述公开谴责或指责某人或某事。以下是一些详细的用法和相关短语:
- 动词用法:
- The government denounced the terrorist attack and vowed to bring the perpetrators to justice.(政府谴责了恐怖袭击事件,并发誓将肇事者绳之以法。)
- The organization issued a statement denouncing the company’s unethical practices.(该组织发表声明谴责该公司的不道德行为。)
- She was denounced by her colleagues for betraying their trust.(她因背叛同事们的信任而受到同事们的指责。)
以下是一些与 “denounce” 相关的常见短语:
- Denounce someone/something: 谴责某人/某事
- Publicly denounce: 公开谴责
- Denounce as a liar: 谴责为撒谎者
- Denounce an injustice: 谴责不公正行为
- Denounce corruption: 谴责腐败
- Denounce a dictator: 谴责独裁者
- Denounce wrongdoing: 谴责不当行为
- Denounce a crime: 谴责犯罪行为
- Denounce human rights abuses: 谴责侵犯人权行为
- Denounce hypocrisy: 谴责伪善