One who knows about and loves himself can also know about and love others. 能使人知己、爱已者,未有不能知人、爱人者也。 ——王安石~出自于《荀卿》
One who knows about and loves himself can also know about and love others. 能使人知己、爱已者,未有不能知人、爱人者也。 ——王安石~出自于《荀卿》
Ruin springs from jealousy which springs form failure. 毁生于嫉,嫉生于不胜。 ——王安石~出自于《读江南录》 全句白话文: 一个人之所以要诋毁别人,那是因为嫉妒之心;之所以心生嫉妒,那...
To say you know when you know and say you do not when you do not, that is knowledge. 知之为知之,不知为不知,是知也。 ——孔丘~出自《论语十章》 全句的意...
The strong rule andthe rulers are strong; the rich rule and the rulers rich, the strong rich and the rich strong. 强者必治,治...
Wealth is a country’s life and foundation of everything. 财者,为国之命而万事之本。 ——苏辙 得人之道,在于知人;知人之法,在于责实。使君相有知人之明,朝廷有责实之政,则胥史皂隶未尝...
The great have the pure heart of a new -born baby, 大人者,不失其赤子之心者也。 —— 孟轲 出自《孟子》的《离娄章句下》。 宰相肚里之所以能撑船,是因为他不斤斤计较于一得之利,一孔之见,而...
The way of ruling a country contains making the people rich. 凡治国之道,必先富民。 ——管仲 出自管仲《管子·治国第四十八》。 这篇短文为了讲清“治国之道,必先富民”的道理从两个...
When one is alive, he should depend on himself. 丈夫在世,当自尽理。 ——李贽
“Your life is given to you by your parents. If you don’t want to live, you have to ask them first.” ― Yu Hua, To L...