
“I do not know anyone who has got to the top without hard work. That is the recipe. It will not always get you to the top, but should get you pretty near.”

– Margaret Thatcher, Former British Prime Minister
「我不知道有人能不努力就取得成功卓越,这就是方法,努力不会让你每次都获得成功卓越,但能让你更靠近它许多。」– 撒切尔夫人 (英国首相)

柴契尔夫人 (1925- ) 曾三度被选为英国首相,任期由 1979 至 1990 年长达 12 年之久,也是英国至今唯一的女性首相,因说话态度强硬而被称为「铁娘子」(Iron Lady)。

未经允许不得转载:帕布莉卡 » 撒切尔夫人英语名言:我不知道有人能不努力就取得成功卓越
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