“I believe in human ingenuity – that when we decide on a task to be done, no matter how daunting it may seem at the beginning, we are able to unleash human ingenuity and human innovative capacity that was unknown, and takes us to a solution.”
– Christiana Figueres, Executive Secretary of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change
「我相信人类的创新力 – 当我们决定完成一个任务时,不管开始看来多么困难,我们都能释出创新及原来不知道的创造能力,并带我们找到解决办法。」- 克莉丝缇亚娜·费盖雷斯 (联合国气候变迁首长)
克莉丝缇亚娜·费盖雷斯 (1956- ) 是联合国气候变化纲要公约的秘书长,致力改善全球气候暖化 60 年之久,2015 年通过遏阻全球暖化的历史性巴黎协定,确保全球升温抑制在「远低于」摄氏 2 度。