“We should face reality and our past mistakes in an honest, adult way. Boasting of glory does not make glory, and singing in the dark does not dispel fear.”
— Hussein bin Talal, King of Jordan
「我们应以诚实、成熟的态度面对现实及过去的错误,吹嘘荣耀不会造就荣耀,在黑暗中歌唱无法驱逐恐惧。」– 胡笙·宾·塔拉勒 (约旦国王)
boast (v.) 夸口,吹嘘。例:She often boasts of her past success. (她常常夸口她过去的成功。) glory (n.) 光荣,荣耀。dispel (v.) 驱逐,消除。例:We want to dispel the myth that diseases are caused by witches. (我们想消除疾病是由女巫所引起的迷信。)
胡笙·宾·塔拉勒 (1935-1999) 的政权历经冷战及 40 年的以巴冲突,在 1994 年成为第二个承认以色列的阿拉伯国家。