
It’s your dog, but you are it’s all.

They taught me the meaning of loyalty that you should never forget anyone that you loved.

I find letters from God dropped in the street, and everyone has signed by God’s mean. And I leave them where they are. For I know that wherever I go, others will punctually come. Forever and ever.
我拾到了上帝遗落凡间的信笺,上面列着上帝为众人安排的命运,我任一切顺其自然,因为我知道 无论我去往何方,总有人接替我而来,生生不息。

In the faces of men and women I see God, and in my own face in the glass.

You want to wait for him, don’t you? Have a long life, Hachi.

未经允许不得转载:帕布莉卡 » 《忠犬八公的故事》经典台词(中英双语对照)Hachi
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