What is the origin of the word ‘posh’?
The story goes that the more well-to-do passengers on ships travelling between England and India used to have POSH written against their bookings, standing for ‘Port Out, Starboard Home’ (indicating the more desirable cabins, on the shady side of the ship). Unfortunately, this story did not make its appearance until the 1930s, by which time the term had already been in use for some twenty years. Added to this, the word does not appear to have been recorded in the form ‘P.O.S.H.’, which would be expected if it had started life as an abbreviation.
单词posh现在表示“时髦的、豪华的”,这一词义的来源不明,较为流行的一种解释是它是短语port outward, starboard home的首字母缩写。据说,在英国和印度往来船只上,有钱的乘客往往会在订票时写上POSH一词,表示订购右舷阴面更为理想的船舱。不过,这个解释是到20世纪30年代才出现的,也没有发现标有缩写词的船票等证据,而此时,posh作为形容词已经使用20余年。另外,在形容词posh的使用记录中,也没有出现P.O.S.H.这样的形式。
Despite exhaustive enquiries, including interviews with former travellers and inspection of shipping company documents, researchers for the 20-volume historical Oxford English Dictionary have found no supporting evidence for this explanation of the origins of posh.